Pay Matrix Table for Chhattisgarh Government Employees
Naya Raipur, Dated 19 May, 2017
No.F 2016-04-03303/Finance/Rule/IV:- In exercise of the powers conferred by the proviso to article 309 of the Constitution of India, the Governor of Chhatisgarh, hereby makes the following rules, namely:-
Short title and commencement.-
(1) These rules may be called the Chhatisgarh Civil Services (Revision of Pay) Rules, 2016.
(2) They shall be deemed to have come into force on the 1″ January, 2016.
Definitions:- In these rules, unless the context otherwise requires —
(a) “basic pay” in the revised pay structure means the pay drawn in the prescribed Level in the Pay Matrix but does not include any other type of pay like special pay, etc.;
(b) “existing basic pay” means pay drawn in the prescribed existing pay band and grade pay or pay in the existing scale, but does not include any other type of pay such as special pay, etc.;
(c) “existing Pay Band and Grade Pay” in relation to a Government employee means the Pay Band and the Grade Pay applicable to the post held by the Government employee as on the date immediately before the notification of these rules whether in a substantive capacity or in officiating capacity;
(d) “existing Pay Structure” in relation to a Government employee means the present system of Pay band and Grade pay or the Pay Scale applicable to the post held by the Government employee as on the date immediately before the coming into force of these rules whether in a substantive or officiating capacity.
(e) “existing emolument” – mean the sum of (i) existing basic pay and (ii) existing dearness allowance at index average as on 1st day of January, 2016;
(f) “Level” in the Pay Matrix shall mean the Level corresponding to the existing Pay Band and Grade Pay or scale specified in Part A of the Schedule;
(g) “Pay Matrix” means Matrix specified in Part A of the Schedule, with Levels of pay arranged in vertical cells as assigned to corresponding existing Pay Band and Grade Pay or scale;
(h) “pay in the Level” means pay drawn in the appropriate Cell of the Level as specified in Part A of the Schedule;
Level of posts.— The Level of posts shall be determined in accordance with the various Levels as assigned to the corresponding existing Pay Band and Grade Pay or scale as specified in the Pay Matrix. – Read more…
Pay Matrix Table for Chhattisgarh Government Employees – Chhatisgarh Civil Services (Revision of Pay) Rules, 2017.
Pay Band | 4750-7440 | 5200-20200 | 9300-34800 | 15600-39100 | 37400-67000 | ||||||||||||
Grade Pay | 1300 | 1400 | 1800 | 1900 | 2200 | 2400 | 2800 | 4200 | 4300 | 4400 | 4800 | 5400 | 6600 | 7600 | 8700 | 8900 | 10000 |
Level | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 |
1 | 15600 | 16100 | 18000 | 19500 | 22400 | 25300 | 28700 | 35400 | 38100 | 43200 | 49100 | 56100 | 67300 | 79900 | 118500 | 129700 | 141800 |
2 | 16100 | 16600 | 18500 | 20100 | 23100 | 26100 | 29600 | 36500 | 39200 | 44500 | 50600 | 57800 | 69300 | 82300 | 122100 | 133600 | 146100 |
3 | 16600 | 17100 | 19100 | 20700 | 23800 | 26900 | 30500 | 37600 | 40400 | 45800 | 52100 | 59500 | 71400 | 84800 | 125800 | 137600 | 150500 |
4 | 17100 | 17600 | 19700 | 21300 | 24500 | 27700 | 31400 | 38700 | 41600 | 47200 | 53700 | 61300 | 73500 | 87300 | 129600 | 141700 | 155000 |
5 | 17600 | 18100 | 20300 | 21900 | 25200 | 28500 | 32300 | 39900 | 42800 | 48600 | 55300 | 63100 | 75700 | 89900 | 133500 | 146000 | 159700 |
6 | 18100 | 18600 | 20900 | 22600 | 26000 | 29400 | 33300 | 41100 | 44100 | 50100 | 57000 | 65000 | 78000 | 92600 | 137500 | 150400 | 164500 |
7 | 18600 | 19200 | 21500 | 23300 | 26800 | 30300 | 34300 | 42300 | 45400 | 51600 | 58700 | 67000 | 80300 | 95400 | 141600 | 154900 | 169400 |
8 | 19200 | 19800 | 22100 | 24000 | 27600 | 31200 | 35300 | 43600 | 46800 | 53100 | 60500 | 69000 | 82700 | 98300 | 145800 | 159500 | 174500 |
9 | 19800 | 20400 | 22800 | 24700 | 28400 | 32100 | 36400 | 44900 | 48200 | 54700 | 62300 | 71100 | 85200 | 101200 | 150200 | 164300 | 179700 |
10 | 20400 | 21000 | 23500 | 25400 | 29300 | 33100 | 37500 | 46200 | 49600 | 56300 | 64200 | 73200 | 87800 | 104200 | 154700 | 169200 | 185100 |
11 | 21000 | 21600 | 24200 | 26200 | 30200 | 34100 | 38600 | 47600 | 51100 | 58000 | 66100 | 75400 | 90400 | 107300 | 159300 | 174300 | 190700 |
12 | 21600 | 22200 | 24900 | 27000 | 31100 | 35100 | 39800 | 49000 | 52600 | 59700 | 68100 | 77700 | 93100 | 110500 | 164100 | 179500 | 196400 |
13 | 22200 | 22900 | 25600 | 27800 | 32000 | 36200 | 41000 | 50500 | 54200 | 61500 | 70100 | 80000 | 95900 | 113800 | 169000 | 184900 | 202300 |
14 | 22900 | 23600 | 26400 | 28600 | 33000 | 37300 | 42200 | 52000 | 55800 | 63300 | 72200 | 82400 | 98800 | 117200 | 174100 | 190400 | 208400 |
15 | 23600 | 24300 | 27200 | 29500 | 34000 | 38400 | 43500 | 53600 | 57500 | 65200 | 74400 | 84900 | 101800 | 120700 | 179300 | 196100 | 214700 |
16 | 24300 | 25000 | 28000 | 30400 | 35000 | 39600 | 44800 | 55200 | 59200 | 67200 | 76600 | 87400 | 104900 | 124300 | 184700 | 202000 | |
17 | 25000 | 25800 | 28800 | 31300 | 36100 | 40800 | 46100 | 56900 | 61000 | 69200 | 78900 | 90000 | 108000 | 128000 | 190200 | 208100 | |
18 | 25800 | 26600 | 29700 | 32200 | 37200 | 42000 | 47500 | 58600 | 62800 | 71300 | 81300 | 92700 | 111200 | 131800 | 195900 | 214300 | |
19 | 26600 | 27400 | 30600 | 33200 | 38300 | 43300 | 48900 | 60400 | 64700 | 73400 | 83700 | 95500 | 114500 | 135800 | 201800 | ||
20 | 27400 | 28200 | 31500 | 34200 | 39400 | 44600 | 50400 | 62200 | 66600 | 75600 | 86200 | 98400 | 117900 | 139900 | 207900 | ||
21 | 28200 | 29000 | 32400 | 35200 | 40600 | 45900 | 51900 | 64100 | 68600 | 77900 | 88800 | 101400 | 121400 | 144100 | 214100 | ||
22 | 29000 | 29900 | 33400 | 36300 | 41800 | 47300 | 53500 | 66000 | 70700 | 80200 | 91500 | 104400 | 125000 | 148400 | |||
23 | 29900 | 30800 | 34400 | 37400 | 43100 | 48700 | 55100 | 68000 | 72800 | 82600 | 94200 | 107500 | 128800 | 152900 | |||
24 | 30800 | 31700 | 35400 | 38500 | 44400 | 50200 | 56800 | 70000 | 75000 | 85100 | 97000 | 110700 | 132700 | 157500 | |||
25 | 31700 | 32700 | 36500 | 39700 | 45700 | 51700 | 58500 | 72100 | 77300 | 87700 | 99900 | 114000 | 136700 | 162200 | |||
26 | 32700 | 33700 | 37600 | 40900 | 47100 | 53300 | 60300 | 74300 | 79600 | 90300 | 102900 | 117400 | 140800 | 167100 | |||
27 | 33700 | 34700 | 38700 | 42100 | 48500 | 54900 | 62100 | 76500 | 82000 | 93000 | 106000 | 120900 | 145000 | 172100 | |||
28 | 34700 | 35700 | 39900 | 43400 | 50000 | 56500 | 64000 | 78800 | 84500 | 95800 | 109200 | 124500 | 149400 | 177300 | |||
29 | 35700 | 36800 | 41100 | 44700 | 51500 | 58200 | 65900 | 81200 | 87000 | 98700 | 112500 | 128200 | 153900 | 182600 | |||
30 | 36800 | 37900 | 42300 | 46000 | 53000 | 59900 | 67900 | 83600 | 89600 | 101700 | 115900 | 132000 | 158500 | 188100 | |||
31 | 37900 | 39000 | 43600 | 47400 | 54600 | 61700 | 69900 | 86100 | 92300 | 104800 | 119400 | 136000 | 163300 | 193700 | |||
32 | 39000 | 40200 | 44900 | 48800 | 56200 | 63600 | 72000 | 88700 | 95100 | 107900 | 123000 | 140100 | 168200 | 199500 | |||
33 | 40200 | 41400 | 46200 | 50300 | 57900 | 65500 | 74200 | 91400 | 98000 | 111100 | 126700 | 144300 | 173200 | 205500 | |||
34 | 41400 | 42600 | 47600 | 51800 | 59600 | 67500 | 76400 | 94100 | 100900 | 114400 | 130500 | 148600 | 178400 | 211700 | |||
35 | 42600 | 43900 | 49000 | 53400 | 61400 | 69500 | 78700 | 96900 | 103900 | 117800 | 134400 | 153100 | 183800 | ||||
36 | 43900 | 45200 | 50500 | 55000 | 63200 | 71600 | 81100 | 99800 | 107000 | 121300 | 138400 | 157700 | 189300 | ||||
37 | 45200 | 46600 | 52000 | 56700 | 65100 | 73700 | 83500 | 102800 | 110200 | 124900 | 142600 | 162400 | 195000 | ||||
38 | 46600 | 48000 | 53600 | 58400 | 67100 | 75900 | 86000 | 105900 | 113500 | 128600 | 146900 | 167300 | 200900 | ||||
39 | 48000 | 49400 | 55200 | 60200 | 69100 | 78200 | 88600 | 109100 | 116900 | 132500 | 151300 | 172300 | 206900 | ||||
40 | 49400 | 50900 | 56900 | 62000 | 71200 | 80500 | 91300 | 112400 | 120400 | 136500 | 155800 | 177500 | 213100 |
Pay Matrix Table for Chhattisgarh download pdf click button bellow
Pay Band wise Pay Matrix table attached here
For easy viewing we have divided the Chhattisgarh Government Employees Pay Matrix table pay band wise separately attached here
This post on the Pay Matrix in Chhattisgarh is really informative! It’s great to see a detailed breakdown of the new structure and its implications for employees. I appreciate the clarity in explaining how this will affect salaries and allowances. Looking forward to more updates on this topic!