Central Government pensioners may submit Life Certificate from 1st November, 2020 onward, till February 28, 2021
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pension
Department of Pension & Pensioners’ Welfare
8th Floor, Janpath Bhavan,
Janpath, New Delhi,
Dated: 23 November, 2020
Subject: – Extension of period for submission of Life Certificate by Central Government pensioners till February 28, 2021.
The undersigned is directed to refer to this Department’s O.M. No. 18/1/2020-P&PW(C)-6681 dated 11th September, 2020 regarding the extension of timeline for submission of Life Certificate by Central Government pensioners from 1st November, 2020 onward, till 31st December 2020.
2. This Department has been in receipt of numerous petitions from various Pensioners’ Associations as well as individuals requesting a further extension in the date for submitting Life Certificate, in view of the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic and the vulnerability of elderly population to Corona Virus. After consultation with the office of Controller General of Accounts, it has now been decided to further extend the existing timeline for submission of Life Certificate. This year, all Central Government pensioners may submit Life Certificate from 1st November, 2020 onward, till February 28, 2021. During this extended period, the pension will be continued to be paid by the Pension Disbursing Authorities (PDAs) uninterrupted.
3. The above measures are expected to avoid rush at branches, stagger the submission of the LCs by the elderly population while maintaining social distancing, and to that extent, prevent the spread of Corona virus. PDAs shall also ensure proper arrangements and social distancing measures at the branches and prevent overcrowding.
4. All Pension Disbursing Authorities are requested to take note of this OM for compliance and give wide publicity to the same amongst pensioners.
This issues with the approval of the competent authority.
(Rajesh Kumar)
Under Secretary to the Government of India
Gopalaswamy Honnavalli says
Extend the date one month after the administraring vaccine, as a justation period for any side effects treatment,or else exempt Submission for this year. as seniors do not like to expose themselves to any public officialsuch as postmen,bank officials etc by admitting them inside their house and brake the social distance allowing them to take bio details. Please help the seniors by keeping away from any possible infection.
Gopalaswamy Honnavalli