Liberalised pensionary awards for war widows and war disabled servicemen
Government of India, Bharat Sarkar
Ministry of Defence
New Delhi, the 24th February, 1972.
The Chief of the Army Staff
The Chief of Naval Staff
The Chief of Air Staff
Subject : Liberalised pensionary awards for war widows and war disabled servicemen.
In partial modification of the existing rules and orders relating to the grant of special family pensionary awards and disability pension, I am directed to convey the sanction of the President to payments being made , as indicated in Annexures I and II to this letter, in the case of officers and personnel, as well as NCsE of armed forces ( including the Army Postal Service and the embodied units of the Territorial Army and officers and personnel of the Defence Security Corps, killed in action or disabled on account of injuries sustained in the recent operations against Pakistan commencing from 3rd December, 1971. The awards sanctioned in this letter will be admissible also in the case of the above categories of personnel killed in action or disabled on account of injuries sustained –
(i) In the international wards of 1965 (including Kutch and Kargil operations), 1962 and 1947-48 (Kashmir operations), as well as the Goa and Hyderabad operations.
(ii)(a) as a result of fighting in war-like operations or border skirmishes, either with Pakistan on the case-fire line or any other country.
(b) while fighting against armed hostiles like Nagas and Mizos.
(c) during fighting in service with peace-keeping missions abroad on or after 15 August 47
(iii) During laying or clearance of mines including enemy mines, as also mine-sweeping operations, between one month before the commencement and three months after the conclusion operations ; as per Ministry of Defence letter No.A/14670/Vii/AG/PD4(d)/142-S/Pen-C, dated the 2nd September,1970 and
2. The benefits will be admissible with effect from 1st February,1972 or the date of death or disablement of the serviceman, as the case may be, whichever is later.
3. Payments already made on account of pensionary awards only in respect of any period following the above dates otherwise than in accordance with this letter will be adjusted against payments admissible here under.
4. The awards sanctioned in this letter are in the nature of a special dispensation and will not be subject to alteration as receipt of any revision of pay and pension structure as may be sanctioned in future. Temporary and/or ad-hoc increase in addition to these special awards. However, where and for so long as awards admissible under the existing rules and orders happen to be more favourable than those sanctioned hereunder, the higher entitlements will be applicable and no difference will be allowed as ad-hoc grant. Payment of these increase or reliefs were allowed to be admissible wef 1 Jan 81 vide Min of Def letter No.B/39206/AG/PS4(d)/2417/Pen-C dated 23rd April 81.
5. This issues with the concurrence of Ministry of Finance (Defence) vide their u.o.No.563/Addl.FA(D) of 1972.
Yours faithfully
Under Secretary to the Government of India