Application of Liberalised Pension Formula to pre- 31.3.79 pensioners – implementation of the judgement of the Supreme Court-re-fixation arising on account of such enhanced pension in the case of re-employed pensioners question regarding.
Government of India
Ministry of Finance
(Department of Expenditure)
New Delhi, the 28th June, 1984
Subject :- Application of Liberalised Pension Formula to pre- 31.3.79 pensioners – implementation of the judgement of the Supreme Court-re-fixation arising on account of such enhanced pension in the case of re-employed pensioners question regarding.
The undersigned is directed to refer to this Department’s Office Memorandum No.F. 1(3)-E.(V)/83 dated 22.10.83 on the subject of application of liberalised pension formula to pre-31-3-79 pensioners in pursuance of the implementation of the Judgement of the Supreme Court and to say that a point has arisen as to whether consequent on the revision of the pension of employees in the light of the orders contained in this Ministry’s Office Memorandum dated 22.10.83, referred to above, the pay of such of these retired personnel who are re-employed may also be re-fixed after taking into account the revised amount of pension that will become admissible to them from 1.4.1979.
2. The matter has been considered. If the pay of re-employed pensioners who will get revised pension from 1.4.79 is not re-fixed after taking into account the revised pension, certain unintended benefits are likely to accrue to them as they will draw the revised amount of pension, which would invariably be higher than the earlier amount of pension, in addition to the pay already fixed on the basis of the pension granted to them earlier. The President is accordingly pleased to decide that pay of the re-employed pensioners whose pension has been revised upward in accordance with this Ministry’s Office Memorandum dated 22.10.83 may also be re-fixed w.e.f. 1.4.1979 onwards by taking into account the revised pension so granted and the over-payments already made be recovered/adjusted as is deemed necessary. All re-employed pensioners would, therefore, he required to intimate to the Heads of Offices in which they are working the amount of revised pension sanctioned to them on them on the implementation of the orders contained in the Office Memorandum dated 22.10.83, for the purpose of re-fixation of their pay after taking into account their revised pension.
3. In so far as persons serving in the Indian Audit and Accounts Departments these orders have been issued in consultation with the Comptroller and Accounts Departments these orders have been issued in consultation with the Comptroller and Auditor General of India.
Deputy Secretary to the Govt. of India.