Fixation of pay on promotion after 1-1-1973 from the revised Junior Class I to the Senior Class I scale of pay in certain organised Class I Services – Government’s Decisions on recommandations of the Third Central pay commission regarding Application of concordance table,etc
NO.F.12 /21/74-IC
Government of India
Ministry of Finance
Department of Expenditure
New Delhi, the 16th December,1975
25th Agrahayana,1897 (Saka)
Subject: Fixation of pay on promotion after 1-1-1973 from the revised Junior Class I to the Senior Class I scale of pay in certain organised Class I Services – Government’s Decisions on recommandations of the Third Central pay commission regarding Application of concordance table,etc.
Attention is invited to paragraph 2-I(I)(D) of the Ministry of Finance C.M. of even number dated 14-11-1975,on the subject mentioned above indicating the conditions under which the pay of an officer promoted earlier to the Senior scale of a Services specified in that O.M. can be stepped up to bring it at par with the pay of the officer of the same category in the Service who is promoted later and whose pay gets fixed at a higher stage in that scale. A point has been raised if in such cases the pay of the officer Promoted earlier should also be stepped up in case the Promotion of the officer promoted later os against a leave or short-term Vacancy only.It is clarified that stepping up would be permissible only when the officers Promoted later has been appointed to the Senior scale on a regular basis and all the officers senior to him,except those who have been considered and found unfit for such appointment ,have been placed in the revised senior scale.Thus in case the officer appointed later to a senior scale charge is against a short Vacancy included leave Vacancy,the pay of the officer Promoted earlier should not be stepped up on that account.
2. In so far as Persons serving in the Indian Audit and Accounts Department are concerned ,these orders issue consulatation with the comptroller and Auditor General of India.
3. Hindi version of the O.M. will follow shortly.
Deputy Secretary to the Government of India.