NFIR -Non-grant of revised pension (7th CPC) to Pre-2016 retirees (08-09-2018)
Dated: 08-09-2018
The Secretary (E)
Railway Board
New Delhi
Dear Sir
Sub: Non-grant of revised pension (7th CPC) to Pre-2016 retirees-reg.
Federation has since come to know that ARPAN Software program has been provided for use on all the Units of Indian Railways for the purpose of revision of Pension of pre-2016 retirees, Unfortunately due to some technical snag or policy related problems, Zonal Railways have been facing difficulties and are not able to revise the pension in the following cases:-
a) Pre-2016 retired Loco Inspectors
while ARPAN module identifies the cases of revision of pension of running staff and reckons the addition of 55% add-on pay element, it has failed to reckon the 30% add on pay element on the last pay drawn in favour of pre-2016 retired Loco Inspectors, Federation in surprised that the technical aspect, particularly when instructions/clear guidelines have been issued vide letter dated 24-01-2018 (RBE No.13/2018) has not yet been made functional without any glitch.
b) Non-recokoning of charge Allowance
Another problems in the ARPAN softwar module reported to us by our affiliates is non-reckoning of charge allowance granted to JA Grade officers on adhoc basis in accordance with Railway Board extant instructions dated 23-06-1995 (RBE No.61/95) & 04-03-1996) (RBE No.21/96) which is counted as Pay for all purpose including grant of pension and other settlement benefits. Federation feels that since the Charge Allowance has not been included in the list of Allowance granted, it might not have been added to the ARPAN Federation states that this is causing difficulty in pension revision cases of pre-2016 retired officers who worked on adhoc basis and received Charge Allowance on the date of retirement.
Federation further desires to state that while the above problems are being faced by all Zonal Railways and production Units the GM(E) W.Rly & PCPO/S.CRly vide letters dated 06-07-2018 & 10-08-2018 respectively have specifically referred the issues to Railway Board seeking appropriate remedial action.
Action taken in the matter may kindly be apprised to the Federation.
Yours faithfully
General Secretary
Source: NFIR