7th Pay Commission – Decision relating to grant of Risk and Hardship Allowance for Track Maintainers of Indian Railways
Ministry of Railways (Rail Mantralaya)
(Railway Board)
PC-VII No. 33
RBE No.: 87/2017
File No. PC-VII/2017/I/7/5/4
New Delhi dated: 10/ 08/2017
The General Manager/CAOs(R),
All Indian Railways & Production Units,
(As per mailing list)
Sub:- Recommendation of 7th Central Pay Commission – Decision relating to grant of Risk and Hardship Allowance for Track Maintainers of Indian Railways.
Consequent upon the acceptance of recommendation of 7th Central Pay Commission on Allowances, the President is pleased to decide grant of Risk and Hardship Allowance to Track Maintainers – I, II, III & IV of Indian Railways as per cell R3H2 (Rs.2700 for Level 8 and below and Rs. 3400 for Level 9 and above) of Risk and Hardship Matrix.
2. These orders shall take effect from 1st July, 2017.
4. Hindi version is attached herewith.
(Jaya Kumar G)
Deputy Director, Pay Commission-VII
Railway Board
Annexure – II
Proposal (a):- Increase Risk and Hardship allowance from Rs.2700/- per month (R3H2 categorisation) to 6000/- (R2H2) for Mate and Keymen.
The justification for this proposal are as under :-
(i) The job of Mate and Keyman requires concentrated attention on the track under running traffic conditions and hence involves significantly higher risk and they work alone for significant periods, as compared to Track Maintainers who work in a group.
(ii) Mate being head of Gang beat and Keyman as daily watchman of beat have to work hard in close co-ordination with higher authority for track safety as compared to normal track maintainers in grade II, III & IV.
(iii) Keymen who verify the integrity of track daily, have prevented many train accidents with their vigil on the track by taking timely action on protection of track in case of any rail fracture or any other danger noticed by him. Keymen start his job early at 6 o’clock in the morning in all weather conditions, even during extreme winter or rain and has to cover a distance of 6 Km (double line) to 14 Km (Single line) daily on foot carrying a weight of approximately 10 Kg on his shoulders. Keyman inspects every inch of the track daily to ensure safe running of trains. Many sabotage cases have been foiled by Keymen while patrolling the track. The hardship of Keyman definitely outweighs the hardship faced by other Track maintainer.
(iv) Many Keymen while on duty, get runover by trains, losing their life, clearly showing the level of risk involved. As such, the risk is quite high as compared to other Track Maintainers who work in a group.
(v) Mate also works as keyman once a week.
(vi) Due to above risks & hardships attached with the post of Mate and Keyman, there is a lot of reluctance amongst Track maintainers to work as Keyman or Mate.
Financial Implications:- Financial implication of this proposal is Rs.101 Crore p.a.
Conclusion:- Considering above, it is proposed to place ‘Track Maintainers working as Mate/Keyman’ in R2H2 cell in lieu of current placement in R3H2 cell of ‘Risk and Hardship matrix of 7th CPC report’.
Proposal (b):-Increase Risk and Hardship allowance from Rs.2700/-p.m. (R3H2) to Rs.4100/- (R3H1) for Trackmen performing Patrolling duty.
Justification :– Justification for this proposal is as under :-
(i) Patrolman works in extreme conditions of severe cold in the winter night, severe heat during midday summer and heavy rain, either alone or in pair, to ensure safe running of trains. The hardship faced by Patrolman is much more than Track maintainer Grade II, III & IV.
(ii) Considering above, it is proposed to place ‘Track Maintainers Grade II, III & IV deputed for patrolling’ in R3H1 cell in lieu of current placement in R3H2 cell of `Risk and Hardship matrix of 7th CPC report.’
Financial Implication:-Additional Financial implication of this proposal is Rs.57 Crore p.a
Proposal (c):- Increase in Level Crossing Gate Allowance from Z 1000/- (R3H3) to 4100/- (R3H1) for Gateman working in Special & ‘A’ Class Gate
Justification :- Justification for this proposal is as under :-
(i) Special class and ‘A’ class Level Crossing gates are busy crossings, having TVU more than 50,000 and 30,000 respectively. The risk & hardship faced by Gateman at special class and ‘A’ class Level Cros4ing is much higher as compared to 13′ and ‘C’ class gates, considering heavy road and rail traffic. There is a lot of reluctance amongst Track Maintainers for getting posted at Special and ‘A’ class level crossing.
(ii) Considering above, it is proposed to place ‘Track Maintainers Grade II, III & IV working as Gateman at Special and ‘A’ class Level Crossing in R3H1 cell of Risk and Hardship matrix
Financial Implication:- Financial implication of this proposal is Rs.35 Crore p.a.
Proposal (d):-Include all P-Way Artisans and their helpers in the R&H Matrix for payment of Risk and Hardship Allowance (4700/- as for Trackmen (R3H2)
Justification :- Justification for this proposal is as under :-
(i) The P. Way artisans like Welder, Blacksmith etc. also take up repair works under running traffic i.e. on-track welding, reconditioning of point and crossings, tightening of joints etc. Thus, the Risk and Hardship allowance being given to track maintainers is necessarily required to be extended to all P. Way artisan and their helpers.
(ii) It is therefore proposed to give Risk and Hardship allowance to P. Way artisan and their helpers, as per R3H2 cell of Risk and Hardship matrix
Financial Implication: Financial implication of this proposal is Rs.29 Crore P.a
The total additional financial implication of the proposals (a), (b), (c) and (d) is Rs.222 crore per annum
Annexure – III
Financial implications of the proposals under consideration
1. Existing Special Allowances being granted to Track Maintainers
(i) Risk and Hardship Allowance @ Rs.2700 p.m (Cell R3H2 of Risk and Hardship Matrix)
Total Number of Track Maintainers in Railways: 2,70,057
Total amount paid as RHA per month = Rs.72,91,53,900
Total amount paid as RHA annually = Rs.8,74,98,46,800
(ii) Special LC Gate Allowance @ Rs.1000 p.m (Cell R3H3) granted to Gatemen
Total number of Gatemen in Railways: 30,000 (approx.)
Total Amount paid as LCGA per month = 30,000*1000= Rs.3,00,00,000
Total amount paid as LCGA annually = Rs.36,00,00,000
Total amount of existing Special Allowances being paid to Track Maintainers annually= (i) + (ii)
Total = Rs.9,10,98,46,800 (approx. Rs 911 Crore)
2. Analysis of the cost of proposals under consideration
A. Increase Risk and Hardship Allowance from Rs.2700 p.m (R3H2) to Rs.6500 p.m (R2H2) for Mate and Keymen
Additional annual financial implication = Rs.1,00,84,93,200
= Rs.101 Crores (approx.)
B. Increase Risk and Hardship Allowance from Rs.2700 p.m (R3H2) to Rs.4100 p.m (r3H1) for Track Maintainers performing patrolling duty.
Total number of Track Maintainers=2,70,057
Total number of Mates = 10,923
Total number of Keymen = 14,544
Total number of Gatemen = 30,000
Total number of Trolleymen = 13,780
Number of Track Maintainers excluding Mates, Keymen, Gatemen and Trolleymen = 2,00,810
Number of Trackmen performing patrolling duty = 34,000
Additional annual financial implication = Rs.57,12,00,000
(approx. Rs.57 Crores)
C. Increase in LC Gate Allowance from Rs.1000 p.m (R3H3) to t 4100 p.m (R3H1) for Gatemen working in Special and A Class Gates
Total number of Gatemen: 30,000 (approx.)
Number of Gatemen working at Special and ‘A’ class gates = 9,400
Additional annual financial implication = Rs.34,96,80,000
= Rs.35 Crores (approx.)
D. Include all P-way artisans and their Helpers in Risk and Hardship matrix for payment of Risk and Hardship Allowance @ Rs.2700 p.m (R3H2)
Additional annual financial implication = Rs.29,16,00,000
= Rs.29 Crores (approx.)
On the basis of above data, the following can be observed;
(i) Present annual expenditure incurred on special allowances = Rs.9,10,98,46,800 (approx. Rs.911 Crore)
(ii) Total additional annual Financial implications of the proposals at A,B,C and D above = Rs.2,22,09,73,200 (approx. Rs.222 crores)
(iii) Annual expenditure if the above proposals are accepted = Rs.11,33,08,20,000 (approx. Rs.1,133 crore)