7th CPC pay matrix pay level instead of 6th CPC grade pay and 5th CPC Pay Scales
Here is a table showing how the pay for all posts in the Postal Department has evolved from the 5th CPC pay scale to the 6th CPC pay scale and from the 6th CPC pay scale to the 7th CPC pay scale. (7th CPC Pay scale is called Pay Matrix and Pay Level)
Gazetted Group “A”
Sl | Post | 5th CPC | 6th CPC Pay Band | Grade Pay | 7th CPC Pay Matrix Level | Scale |
1 | Secretary (Posts) Director General Postal Services |
26000 Fixed | 80000 Fixed | — | 17 | 225000 (Fixed) |
2 | HAG + Member Postal Services Board, AS&AF | 24050-650-26000 | 75500-80000 | — | 16 | 205400-224400 |
3 | HAG CPMG/Sr.DDG/CGM | 22400-525-24500 | 67000-79000 | — | 15 | 182200-224100 |
4 | SAG OMG/DDG/GM (Fin)/Chief Engineer | 18400-500-22400 | 37400-67000 | 10000 | 14 | 144200-218200 |
5 | JAG in NFSG Director/Director Accounts (Postal) / Director MV/Director (OL)/Superintending Engineer, CMO (NFSG) | 14300-400-18300 | 37400-67000 | 8700 | 13 | 123100-215900 |
6 | JAG Director/Director Accounts (Postal)/Jt. Director, Sr.PPS, Superintending Engineer, St.Architect, Joint Director (OL) | 12000-375-16500 | 15600-39100 | 7600 | 12 | 78800-209200 |
7 | STS Sr.Superintendent of Post offices/ADG/Dy.Director, PPS, Exe.Engineer, Dy Architect, Senior Manager MMS, Dy.Director (OL) | 10000-325-15200 | 15600-39100 | 6600 | 11 | 67700-208700 |
8 | JTS Sr.Superintendent of Post Officer/ADG/Dy.Director, ACAO, Architect, Manager MMS, AD (OL) | 8000-275-13500 | 15600-39100 | 5400 | 10 | 56100-177500 |
Gazetted Group “B” | ||||||
1 | Sr.Accounts Officers | 8000-275-13500 | 15600-39100 | 5400 | 10 | 56100-177500 |
2 | Accounts Officers | 7500-250-12000 | 9300-34800 | 5400 | 9 | 53100-167800 |
3 | Postal Superintendent/Asst.Director/Postmaster (PS Gr.-“B”) | 7500-250-12000 | 9300-34800 | 4800 & 5400 after 4 years | 9 | 53100-167800 |
4 | Section officer/PS in Directorate | 7500-250-12000 | 9300-34800 | 4800 & 5400 after 4 years | Level-8 & L-10 after 4 years | |
5 | Sr.Private Secretary in Subordinate Offices | 7500-250-12000 | 9300-34800 | 4800 & 5400 after 4 years | Level-8 & L-9 after 4 years | |
6 | Dy Manager MMS | 7500-250-12000 | 9300-34800 | 4800 | 8 | 47600-151100 |
7 | Assistant Superintendent of posts | 6500-200-10500 | 9300-34800 | 4600 | 8 | 47600-151100 |
8 | French Transiator | 7500-250-12000 | 9300-34800 | 4800 | 8 | 47600-151100 |
9 | Assistant Accounts Officer | 7450-225-11500 | 9300-34800 | 4800 | Level-8 & L-9 after 4 years | |
10 | Senior Hindi Translator | 7450-225-11500 | 9300-34800 | 4600 | 7 | 44900-142400 |
11 | AE (Civil/E;ectrical), AD (Rectt.) | 6500-200-10500 | 9300-34800 | 4600 | 7 | 44900-142400 |
12 | PS in subordinate Officers | 6500-200-10500 | 9300-34800 | 4600 | 7 | 44900-142400 |
13 | Junior Hindi Translator | 6500-200-10500 | 9300-34800 | 4200 | 6 | 35400-112400 |
Non-Gazetted Staff : (Group “B”) | ||||||
1 | Asstt.Manager (MMS) | 5500-175-9000 | 9300-34800 | 4600 | 7 | 44900-142400 |
2 | Inspector of Posts, Assistant Section Officer (CCS) | 5500-175-9000 | 9300-34800 | 4600 | 7 | 44900-142400 |
3 | HSG-I Postmaster/ Head Record Officer/ Manager RLO/ Head Sorting Assistant/ OS in Circle Office |
6500-200-10500 | 9300-34800 | 4600 | 7 | 44900-142400 |
4 | Librarian, Office Superintendent (Civil/Electrical), Statistical Assistant, Sr. Accountant |
5500-175-9000 | 9300-34800 | 4200 | 6 | 35400-112400 |
5 | HSG-II SPM / Dy. PM/ Asstt. PM/ Asstt. Presidency PM/Accountant/ Manager RLO/ Supervisor Foreign Post/ Section Supervisor in CO/RO/ Record Clerk / Sub Record Officer/ Head Sorting Assistant /Assistant Manager PSD /Dy. Manager PSD /Manager PSD/ Head Asstt. PSD, Nasik, Assistant (Electrical/Civil Div.), Store Officer, Junior Engineer (Civil/Electrical) |
5000-150-8000 | 9300-34800 | 4200 | 6 | 35400-112400 |
6 | Staff Nurse | 7450-225-11500 | 9300-34800 | 4600 | 7 | 44900-142400 |
7 | Steno Gr.I in Subordinate offices | 5500-175-9000 | 9300-34800 | 4200 | 6 | 35400-112400 |
Non-Gazetted Staff: (Group “C”) | ||||||
1 | Pharmacist (NFSG) | – | 9300-34800 | 4200 | 6 | 35400-112400 |
2 | Technical Supervisor (MMS) | 4500-125-7000 | 9300-34800 | 4200 | 6 | 35400-112400 |
3 | LSG Dy. Postmaster/ Asstt. PM/ Dy. Sub PM,/ Asstt SPM/ SPM/ Public Relation Inspector /Supervisor/ Record Officer / Sub Record Officer/ Asstt / Head Sorting Asstt., Section Supervisor in RO/CO / Head Asstt PSD Nasik / Dy. Asstt. Manager/ Accountant, Jr.Accountant, Pharmacist |
4500-125-7000 | 5200-20200 | 2800 | 5 | 29200-92300 |
4 | Medical Store Keeper with diploma in Pharmacy & Pharmacists (entry grade) |
4500-125-7000 | 5200-20200 | 2800 | 5 | 29200-92300 |
5 | Technical Postal Assistant Grade- I (Postal Machine Assistant)Grade-I, Reader, Medical Store Keepers (Qualification BSC & below) |
4000-100-6000 | 5200-20200 | 2400 | 4 | 25500-81100 |
6 | (a) Driver Special Grade | 5000-150-8000 | 9300-34800 | 4200 | 6 | 35400-112400 |
(b) Driver Grade – I | 4500-125-7000 | 5200-20200 | 2800 | 5 | 29200-92300 | |
(c) Driver Grade-II | 4000-100-6000 | 5200-20200 | 2400 | 4 | 25500-81100 | |
(d) Driver Grade-III | 3050-75-3950-80-4590 | 5200-20200 | 1900 | 2 | 19900-63200 | |
7 | Postal Assistant, Sorting Assistant, PO & RMS Accountant, Platform Inspector (Time scale), Stenographer Grade-III, Time scale clerk / Cashier, Storekeeper, UDC,Physical Training Instructor, Lab Technician | 4000-100-6000 | 5200-20200 | 2400 | 4 | 25500-81100 |
8 | Technical Postal Assistant Grade-II (Postal Machine Assistant) Grade-II), LDC, Lift Operator, Bindery Assistant/Dispatch Rider/Electrician/Turner MMS, Physical Training Instructor |
3050-75-3950-80-4590 | 5200-20200 | 1900 | 2 | 19900-63200 |
9 | Highly skilled Artisans Grade-III | 3050-75-3950-80-4590 (70% Posts) | 5200-20200 | 1900 | 2 | 19900-63200 |
Artisan Grade-II | 4000-100-6000 (15% Posts) | 2400 | 4 | 25500-81100 | ||
Artisan Grade-I Induding Charge Hand | 4500-125-7000 (15% Posts) | 2800 | 5 | 29200-92300 | ||
10 | Postman/Mail Guard | 3050-4590 | 5200-20200 | 2000 | 3 | 21700-69100 |
11 | Caretaker-cum-Khansama, Sorter | 2750-70-3800-75-4000 | 5200-20200 | 1800 | 1 | 18000-56900 |
12 | Carpenter, Machine man, Binder, Painter, Stamp Vendor, Jamadar, Motor Vehicle Mechanic, Motor Vehicle Electrician, Carpenter, Painter, Jointer, Tyreman, Upholster, Blacksmith, Tin& Copper Smith (Semi-skilled), Dresser(Med), Dresser/NO |
2650-65-3300-70-4000 | 5200-20200 | 1800 | 1 | 18000-56900 |
13 | Record Keeper MMS | 2620-60-3150-65-3540 | 5200-20200 | 1800 | 1 | 18000-56900 |
14 | Multi Tasking Staff (MTS) | 2550-55-2660-60-3200 | 5200-20200 | 1800 | 1 | 18000-56900 |
Note: Utmost care has been taken to compile the above information correctly to the extent possible. Mistakes/Omissions, if any, may be brought to the notice of the Pay