Expected DA from July 2015 Calculator
The Expected DA Calculator can be used to know the approximate DA that you will get for the month of July 2015.
To calculate the DA which is given once in six months, (Jan-July) we need the AICPIN value of 12 months. Now, the AICPIN value of the past ten months alone has come out. Only when the AICPIN value of the remaining two months is released can the DA for July 2015 be calculated accurately.
If the AICPIN value for the next two months increases by a point, or remains the same or decreases by a point, then how much DA will we get? In order to know this, we have given three tables below which will help you to know the approximate DA amount.
- If in the months of May-June, the AICPIN value for increases by 1 point.
- If in the moths of May -June, the AICPIN value remains the same as the previous months
- If in the months of May-June, the AICPIN value decreases by 1 point
Moreover, the Labour Department calculates the AICPIN value based on the price change of essential commodities in and across the country. Similarly, when new pay commissions come, they introduce some changes in the AICPIN calculation and then the AICPIN value is released. In that way, this DA will be the last one that the 6th Pay commission is going to announce. Let us wait and see how the forthcoming 7th CPC changes the AICPIN calculation.
D MANI says
I Want to know about DA 2015 july
SK Chauhan says
7% approximately
ashok mandal says
sir my band pay-9000 grade pay-2400 msp 2000 after 7 CPC how much get pay