Treatment and Insurance Coverage for COVID-19 AIRF
No.AIRF/24(C) Dated: June 25, 2020
The Chairman,
Railway Board,
New Delhi
Dear Sir,
Sub: Treatment and Insurance Coverage for COVID-19 – Reg.
We would like to bring forth that the patients who have tested positive for COVlD-19 are mostly being given Protein Rich Diet along with Vitamin Supplements in a bid to boost their immunity power. However, now the medicine REMDESIVIR is touted as wonder drug, which could provide much needed relief to COVlD-19 Patients who suffer from respiratory problems from the onslaught of the virus. Since the above drug is approved by the ICMR and also recommended unanimously by all the reputed hospitals as being effective, it is suggested that the medicine may be procured for treatment of Railway Employees also, based on its efficacy, so that, no more lives are lost due to COVID-19 Pandemic.
As treatment for the COVlD-19 is beyond the reach of the common Railway Employee, your goodself are requested to take necessary measures to formulate an Insurance Scheme with up to Rs.3 lakhs coverage(at least) for all the 1.4 million Railway Employees and their families, inclusive of the officers.
Yoyrs faithfully
(Shiva Gopal Mishra)
Source: http://www.airfindia.org/
Ved Saluja says
It should have been included the Retired employee and their family members.