Payment of Night Duty Allowance (NDA) at revised rates to the eligible civilian employees working in the Establishments under the Ministry of Defence
Office of the Principal controller of Accounts (FYs)
10-A, S.K.Bose Road, Kolkata – 700 000
Dated: 09.09.2015
All Cs F A (Fys)
Subject: Payment of Night Duty Allowance (NDA) at revised rates to the eligible civilian employees working in the Establishments under the Ministry of Defence.
Kindly refer to this office earlier circular No.Pay/Tech-II/1206/07 dated 28/05/2015 and No.Pay/Tech-II/1206/2015/08 dated 29/05/2015 under which the orders for payment of NDA at revised rate have been issued. In this regard it is to mention that the ceiling of pay for entitlement of NDA was Rs. 2200/- pm’ vide DOPT order dated 04/10/1989. Keeping in view of pay structure under 6th CPC it has been decided that the ceiling limit for entitlement of NDA may be fixed at Rs.12380/-. While making payment of NDA, an employee’s pay in the pay band will be compared with that figure and if pay in the Pay Band is less than above limit then he will be eligible for NDA at current rates otherwise he is not.
If any of the employees have been paid NDA already in terms of this office earlier circulars dated 28/05/2015 and 29/05/2015 whose pay in the pay band is beyond this ceiling limit, recovery action may please be initiated.
The same may please be communicated to all the Br. AOs under your jurisdiction, for necessary action at their end.
This issues with the approval of Competent Authority.
Joint controller of Accounts (Fys)
Source: Original Order Click here