Central employees may cheer for higher bonus this year
After long times Central Govt. employees are going to get higher amount of bonus this year. Earlier, the ceiling for bonus was Rs 3500 per month. From this year, the ceiling is going to be increased to as high as Rs 10,000 per month. In a letter from Secretary, Ministry of Labour and Employment, Mr S. Agarwal conveyed this good news to Sri Vijesh Upadhyay, Genl. Secy., Bharatiya Mazdoor Sangha.
Source: http://paycommissionupdate.blogspot.in/
Navneet says
when DOPT reccomended to paY HRA frm 1april 2014 why finance ministry applied wef 1 april2015 in newly upgraded city. A very cheap decision taken by our government. Is it not bad for those who are already paid four times than they got.
Is it honesty mr modi please tell me snatching our haq will not going to help you in any case mind it.