Revision of remunerations being paid to the retired Government servants engaged in DOT HQ with effect from 1st January, 2016
File No.o3-11/2016/SEA-I (Pt-I)/Fin
Government of India
Ministry of Communications
Department of Telecommunications
(Finance Branch)
Room No.717, Sanchar Bhawan,
2o, Ashok Road, New Delhi – 110 001
Dated 28 December 2017
The undersigned has been directed to convey the approval of the Competent Authority towards revision of remunerations being paid to the retired Government servants engaged in Department of Telecommunications(Head Quarters) with effect from 1st January, 2016 as under:
(a) In the case of Government servants retired after 01.01.2016 engaged as consultant:
The consolidated fee/ remunerations for the consultants shall be restricted to an amount equal to the difference between the last basic pay (as per 7th CPC) drawn by the retired officer and basic pension (as per 7th CPC), plus dearness allowance on the difference as applicable to the Central Government Servants from time to time.
(b) In the case of Government servants retired prior to 01.01.2016:
In case of those engaged as consultants in DOT H Qrs. who retired prior to 01.01.2016 i. e. before implementation of 7th CPC, their last pay drawn shall be fixed notionally in accordance with para 4 of DOP&PW OM No.38/37/2016-P&PW(A) dated 12.05.2017 i.e., their last pay may be fixed notionally in the pay matrix recommended by the 7th CPC in the level corresponding to the pay in the pay band and grade pay at which they retired. The consolidated fee/ remunerations for the consultants shall be restricted to an amount equal to the difference between the last basic pay arrived as above and basic pension (as per 7th CPC), plus dearness allowance on the difference as applicable to the Central Government Servants from time to time.
(c) In the case of retired officers from PSUs viz. BSNL. MTNL etc.,:
The remunerations of such PSU employees engaged as consultants may be fixed by multiplying both the notional basic pay as per 6th CPC and basic pension of PSU retirees by factor 2.57 and their difference plus Dearness Allowance on the difference as as per 7th CPC at the rate applicable to Central Government Servants from time to time or the existing remunerations, whichever is higher.
2. Para 4 of OM No. 3-2/2009-SEA-I dated nil February, 2010 and para 1 (iv) of the approved policy for “Engagement of Consultants” issued vide OM No. 03-10/2014- SEA-I/Fin. Dated 28.02.2015 stands modified to the extent stated in para 1 of this OM w. e. f. 01.01.2016.
3. The nodal sections/wings of DOT HQ will revise the consolidated fee/remunerations in respect of the consultants working in their wings on the basis of copy of the letter from the Department/Ministry from which they retired (giving details of revision of pension) addressed to CPAO with copy given to pensioners. The remuneration so revised should be got vetted for the first time from IFD before making payment.
4. The above revision of the consolidated fee/remunerations as per 7th CPC and its implementation will be applicable in respect of consultants engaged in various wings of DOT HQs as well as in CCA Offices.
(Manish Kumar Gupta)
Director (F)