Various Gazette Notifications issued by EPFO from Time to Time
(A Govt. of India Enterprise)
Dated 19.01.2016
The IFAs,
All Circles
Sub.: Various Gazette Notifications issued by EPFO from Time to Time
This office has been receiving queries regarding Employees Pension Scheme.
In this regard, it is informed that EPFO vide its letter no. Actuarial / 18(2)2008/ Vol.III/7738 dated 29.08.2014 (copy enclosed) has already clarified that henceforth, EPS will apply only to EPF members whose pay at the time of becoming PF member is not more than Rs.15000/- per month on or after 01.09.2014. The entire employer and employee contribution shall remain in the Provident Fund and no diversion to EPS shall be made for all new PF members on or after 01.09.2014 having salary more than Rs. 15000/- at the time of joining.
In this connection, it is mentioned that this office has already issued instructions to act in accordance with the Gazette Notifications issued by EPFO, from time to time, without waiting for endorsement from the Corporate Office as the non compliance of the EPF guidelines attract penal provisions.
It is further mentioned that suitable action may be taken by the circles for rectification of any erroneous deduction made and deposited with EPFO under the EPS head for the employees covered under the above mentioned letter of EPFO dated 29.08.2014.
All BSNL units are hereby requested to kindly take necessary action in accordance with the instructions issued by EPFO.
Encl: As above
Dy. General Manager (CA-III)
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