Granted the two family pensions in respect of the deceased parents
1/1(2)/2020-P&PW (E) Part-1
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions
Department of Pension & Pensioners Welfare
3rd Floor, Lok Nayak Bhawan,
Khan Market, New Delhi
Dated 12th February, 2021
Subject: Revision of limits of two family pensions payable to a child in respect of both the parents after the 7th CPC.
In accordance with sub-rule (11) of rule 54 of the Central Civil Services (Pension) Rules 1972, in case both wife and husband are Government servants and are governed by the provisions of that rule, on their death, the surviving child/children is/are eligible for two family pensions in respect of the deceased parents. As per the existing rule 54, if one of the parents dies while in service or after retirement, the family pension in respect of the deceased shall become payable to the surviving husband or wife and in the event of the death of the husband or wife, the surviving child or children shall be granted the two family pensions in respect of the deceased parents, subject to the limits specified below:
- (a) (i) If the surviving child or children is or are eligible to draw two family pensions at the rate mentioned in sub-rule (3) of Rule 54, the amount of both the family pensions shall be limited to forty-five thousand rupees per month;
(ii) If one of the family pensions ceases to be payable at the rate mentioned in sub-rule (3) of Rule 54, and in lieu thereof the family pension at the rate mentioned in sub-rule (2) of Rule 54 becomes payable, the amount of both the pensions shall also be limited to forty-five thousand rupees per month. - (b) If both the family pensions are payable at the rates mentioned in sub-rule (2) of Rule 54, the amount of two family pensions shall be limited to twenty-seven thousand rupees per month.
2. The limits of Rs 45,000/- per month and Rs 27,000/- per month in the existing Rule 54(11) were determined at the rate of 50% and 30%, respectively, of the highest pay of Rs. 90,000/- in the 6th CPC and were notified vide Notification No.38/80/2008-P&PW (A) dated 8th June, 2011 (GSR 176 dated the 11th June, 2011).
3. References have been received in this Department in regard to the limits of two family pensions payable to child/children in respect of both the parents, after the 7th CPC.
4. The highest pay in the Government has been revised to Rs. 2, 50,000/-per month after the 7th CPC. Accordingly, it is clarified that, with effect from 01. 01. 2016, the amount of Rupees forty five thousand per month in Rule 54(11)(a)(i)&(ii) shall stand revised to Rupees one Lakh-twenty-five thousand per month (being 50% of Rs. 2,50,000/-) and the amount of tewnty Seven thousand per month in Rule 54(11)(b) shall stand revised to Rupees seventy five thousand per month (being 30% of Rs. 2,50,000/-).
5. Formal amendment to the Central Civil Services (Pension) Rules in this respect shall be notified separately.
Sanjoy Shankar
Deputy Secretary to the Government of India