Advisory to empaneled Health Care Organizations (HCOs) and COVID-19 test rates under CGHS
F No S-11011/20/CGHS/ADDG/2020
Govt. of India
Min. of Health & Family Welfare
Directorate General of CGHS
545-A Nirman Bhawan, New Delhi.
Dated the 21st April, 2020
Subject: Advisory to empaneled Health Care Organizations (HCOs) and COVID-19 test rates under CGHS
In view of the Corona Virus Disease(COVID-19), all out efforts are being made by the Government of India (GoI) to contain its impact by instituting measures at community as well as at individual level. Guidelines for maintaining social distancing between individuals have already been issued by the Government.
In the spirit of above guidelines, the undersigned is directed to state that Health Care Organizations (HCOs) empanelled under CGHS shall treat CGHS beneficiaries at CGHS rates of conservative management for CORONA-19 and raise the bill on item wise calculation of expenditure. They shall follow the guidelines / protocols issued by the Ministry of Health & Family Welfare on the subject. These guidelines are available on the website of Ministry of Health & Family Welfare at http//mohfw.gov.in.
It is also clarified that CGHS rate for COVID-19 infection test shall be as per the rate prescribed by Ministry of Health & Family Welfare which shall be treated as CGHS rate. The referral guidelines for COVID-19 test would be same as for other listed investigations.
The HCOs shall also inform the Additional Director, concerned of the provision made by the hospital for the treatment of COVID-19.
(Dr. Sanjay Jain)
Director, CGHS