Functioning of office during the operation of Preventive measures (COVID-19) – PCDA
No. AN/I/1041/Circular
Dated: 11/09/2020
Subject: Functioning of office during the operation of Preventive measures to contain the spread of COVID-19 (Coronavirus).
Keeping in view the recent surge in spread of COVID-19 cases, it has been decided that staff in respect of Main Office, Chandigarh and sub offices under PCDA (WC) shall attend the office to the extent of 50% on every alternate day from 14/09/2020 to 25/09/2020. All officers [AAOs and above] will attend the office on regular basis. Those staff members, who are not required to attend the office on a particular day, shall work from home and should be available on telephone and electronic means of communications at all times. The Officers In-charge shall prepare roster for attendance of 50% staff at their end. Under no circumstances, such officials will leave the duty station. In case of any official work, the Officer In-charge can call any official to attend office. The guidelines/directions issued by government from time to time to contain the spread of COVID-19 shall be strictly adhered to during the said period.
2. All Officer In-charges are directed to ensure that there is no pendency of work especially bills/letters in sections for more than one week. It may also be enjoined upon all that in case of pendency of more than 07 working days in case of Bills and letters, work from home would automatically stands cancelled in respect of staff Attendance of staff may be regulated accordingly.
3. All GOs may constantly review the status of their sections on daily basis and take necessary action besides ensuring correct and timely submission of control chart to AN-III section.
PCDA has seen.