Generating long term fund through CGEGIS – BPMS
Ref:- BPMS/Cabinet Secretary/CGEGIS/71(7/3/R)
Dt:- 18/04/2020
The Cabinet Secretary
Cabinet Secretariat
Rashtrapati Bhavan,New Delhi-110003
Subject:- Generating long term fund through CGEGIS.
With due regards, your kind attention is invited to the prevailed circumstances caused by spreading of COVID-19 pandemic in the country and its disastrous impact on economic activities of the country. The whole country has been put under lock down for more than one month and economic activities has come to a standstill. None can forecast of further extension of this havoc.
Economic activities are backbone of every country and the only measurement which decides the position of a country at development scale. Further, it also plays a crucial role in uplifting the living standard of the citizens. There has always been a great role of the Government in boosting the economic activities.
At present time, when the whole economic activities have been hampered except a few, it requires a huge support from Government especially financial support so as to boost the cycle of demand and supply and provide employment at a large scale and relief to the affected citizens. The Government needs a massive amount of fund/money for above mentioned purpose.
In this regard, a suggestion is submitted to your good self for enhancement in monthly subscription of CGEGIS as per 7th CPC recommendations which may prove a tool for Government in availing fund.
As per data on strength of Central Govt. Employees (as on 01.03.2018) submitted by Hon’ble MoS, Dr.Jitendra Singh in the Lok Sabha on 27.11.2019 in response to an unstarred question No-1497, total amount of monthly subscription under CGEGIS is as under-
Category | Group-A | Group-B (Gazetted) |
Group-B (Non Gazetted) |
Group-C | Total |
Strength | 104036 | 101936 | 139775 | 2773209 | 3118956 |
Monthly Subscription(Rs) |
120 | 60 | 60 | 30 | – |
Total( in Rupees) | 12,484,320 | 6,116,160 | 8,386,500 | 83,196,270 | 1,10,183,250 |
If the subscriptions of CGEGIS are increased as per the recommendations of 7th CPC( Pl refer Para 9.3.6 of 7th CPC report) the new figures will be as under-
Category | Group-A | Group-B (Gazetted) |
Group-B (Non Gazetted) |
Group-C | Total |
Strength | 104036 | 101936 | 139775 | 2773209 | 3118956 |
Monthly Subscription(Rs) |
5000 | 2500 | 2500 | 1500 | – |
Total( in Rupees) | 520,180,000 | 254,840,000 | 349,437,500 | 4,159,813,500 | 5,284,271,000 |
In this way, we find that excess collection through this medium will be Rs 5,174,087,750/- per month( more than five hundred crore as per existing figures).
It may play a little but key role for the Government to come through with flying colors against battle with COVID-19.
Therefore, you are requested to look into the matter and take necessary action in this regard.
Thanking you,
Yours truly
(Mukesh Singh)
General Secretary