Grant of House Rent Allowance (HRA) to Railway employees
RBE No.51 /2020.
New Delhi, dated 08.07.2020.
The General Managers/CAOs,
All Indian Railways and
Production Units etc.
Subject: Re-classification of Mathura-Vrindavan Municipal Corporation as “Y” class city for the purpose of grant of House Rent Allowance (HRA)- regarding.
Attention is invited to Board’s letter No.E(P&A)II-2015/HRA-7 dated 24.09.2015 regarding re-classification of cities/towns on the basis of 2011 census for grant of House Rent Allowance to Railway employees, and it is to state that consequent upon combining of Municipal Council of Mathura and Municipal Council of Vrindavan and constitution of Mathura-Vrindavan Municipal Corporation vide Notification No. 1799/9-7-17-8 (Seema Vistar)/2016 dated 12.05.2017 of the Government of Uttar Pradesh, Mathura-Vrindavan Municipal Corporation has qualified for classification as ‘Y’ class city/town for the purpose of grant of House Rent Allowance to the Railway employees.
2. Accordingly, it has been decided that Mathura-Vrindavan Municipal Corporation shall stand classified as ‘Y’ class city/town for the purpose of grant of House Rent Allowance to the Railway employees posted there.
3. These orders shall be effective from 1st March 2020.
4. This issues with the concurrence of the Finance Directorate of the Ministry of Railways.
(N.P. Singh)
Railway Board