Process of digitization of Pension Payment
No. 1(17)/2015//TA-III/ 331
Ministry of Finance
Department of Expenditure
Office of Controller General of Accounts
Mahalekha Niyantrak Bhawan
E-Block, GPO Complex, INA,
New Delhi
Dated: 15/07/2020
Office Memorandum
Subject: Process of digitization of Pension Payment in the Ministries/Departments- regarding.
To ensure timely payment of pension to the retirees; it has been decided to streamline the process of pension payment to avoid any delays, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic period.
2. All the Civil Ministries/ Department of the Central Government may ensure that the pension cases in their office are processed through ‘Bhavishya’ Software integrated with Pension Module of PFMS.
3. It may also be ensured that the details/information mentioned in the physical PPO should match exactly with that provided in the e-PPO of the pensioners.
4. This may be accorded priority to ensure timely credit of pension to the account of the pensioners.
(Sanjeev Shrivastava)
Joint Controller General of Accounts