Steps to be Taken for Ensuring 3 Months Supply of Medicine to Chronic Patients and Procurement & Issue of Local Purchase Medicine on the Same Day
Northern Railway
Office of the Pr. Chief Medical Director
Headquarters Baroda House
New Delhi
No. 43 -Med/LP/PCMD/2022
Dated- 01.02.2022
The Medical Director
The Chief Medical Superintendent
Sub: Steps to be taken for ensuring 3 months supply of medicine to chronic patients (Specially Retired Railway beneficiaries) and procurement & issue of local purchase medicine on the same day.
Ref: Review of Medical Department /NR by GM on date 02.02.2022
As discussed jointly with PCMM on date 31.1.2022, following steps are advised to be implemented with immediate effect to maintain smooth supply of medicines to Railway beneficiaries as advised by higher authorities :-
All the Hospital incharges of Norther Railway Hospital are advised to share data of retail local purchase items of medical store to respective Dy. CMM/ Sr. DMM for the last 3 months immediately and will share one copy of items/ medicine getting retail local purchase on a daily basis in future.
2. All the Hospital incharges of Northern Railway Hospitals are advised to remain in constant touch with Dy. CMM/ Sr. DMM for getting items purchased that are getting retail local purchase and will create a buffer stock of those items which are needed regularly to ensure 3 months items supply of medicine through retail local purchase/ bulk purchase though representative Dy. CMM/ Sr. DMM or Central Headquarters supply.
3. All the proposals for Request for Retail Local Purchase Limit enhancement should be routed through respective Dy CMM/Sr. DMM’s , and will be submitted at PCMM/NR office with intimation to PCMD office.
( Dr. Sugandha Raha)
Principal Chief Medical Director/NR
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