Birth Certificate Verification Through CRS
(An Autonomous Organisation under the Union Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India)
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CBSC/AS COORD/2015/112497
All Heads of Institutions,
Affiliated to CBSE Board
The Registrar General of India, Ministry of Home Affairs, Government of India vide his circular No. 1/12/2014-VS(CRS)-1817 dated 27th July, 2015 has stated that office of the Registrar General of India has developed uniform software for Registration of Births and Deaths and issuance of certificates registered through the system. After the implementation of the software, the birth and death certificates are being issued through this software and the provisions of Section 12/17 of the RBD Act, 1969. The certificate issued by the software which is accessible at ‘’ has unique registration number to each registered across the country. These certificates are enabled with quick response (QR) code and the authenticity of the certificate can be verified from the website ‘’. It has been fruther stated that these certificates are legally verified documents and may be considered authentic for all Govt. as well as non Government purposes.
All the concerned departments have been requested to ensure that the certificates issued by the Registrar/Sub-Registrar through the applications are accepted and not insisted for original certificates carrying manual signature of the issuing authority.
Copy of circular No. 1/12/014-VS (CRS)-1817 dated 27th July, 2015 is enclosed herewith for perusal please.
All concerned are requested to adhere to the instructions issued by the Ministry of Home Affairs, Govt. of India vide above referred circular.
(K.K. Choudhury)
Controller of Examinations
Encl: Circular No. 1/12/2014-VS (CRS)-1817 dated 27th July, 2015
Registrar General & Census Commissioner, India
Ministry of Home Affairs
Government of India
No. 1/12/2014-VS(CRS) -1717
27th July, 2015
Subject: Acceptance of the birth/ death certificates issued through CRS application-reg.
The registration of births and deaths in India is being done under the provisions of the Registration of Births and Deaths Act, 1969 and corresponding rules made thereunder. The office of Registrar General of India has developed uniform software for Registration of Births and Deaths and issuance of certificates registered through the system. After implementing this software, the birth and death certificates are being issued through this software under the provisions of Section 12/17 of the RBD Act, 1969.
2. The certificates issued through the software which is accessible at ‘’ have unique registration number to each registered event across the country. These certificates are enabled with quick response (QR) code and the authenticity of the certificate can be verified from the website ‘’. These certificates of birth and death are legally valid document and may be considered as authentic proof for all Government as well as Non-Government purposes. The process of generation of birth/death certificate through the application is as under:
” The events reported by the informants are being registered by the registrars using their user id & password and after approval of the registrar, the certificates are being generated electronically and either manual or digital or facsimile signature of the issuing authority appears on the certificates. This certificate is being generated after checking the correctness of the records. The certificates thus generated will be made available in the public portal of the O/o RGI”.
3. All concerned departments of Central Governments and State Governments are requested to ensure that the certificates issued by the Registrars/Sub-Registrars through the application are accepted, and not to insist for original certificates carrying manual signature of the issuing authority. All heads of Departments may bring this to the notice of their sub-offices for compliance.
4. This Circular is being issued in exercise of powers conferred under Section 3 of the Registration of Births and Deaths Act, 1969, to enable the general public to get the certificates free of cost from their own home.
(C. Chandramouli)
Registrar General, India.
2-A, Mansingh Road, New Delhi – 110011, Phone: (91) (11) 23383145
e-mail: website :