Identification of Posts for Persons with Disabilities for the Post of JE (Civil & Electrical) with Appropriate Reasonable Accommodation
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File No. A-12021/2/2022-EC -VI/1800-1804-हि.
Government of India/भारत सरकार
M/o Housing and Urban Affairs/आवासन और शहरी कार्य मंत्रालय
Directorate General/महानिदेशालय
Central Public Works Department/केंद्रीय लोक निर्माण विभाग
निर्माण भवन, नई दिल्ली-11
दिनांक: 19.10.2022
कार्यालय ज्ञापन
Subject: Identification of posts for Persons with disabilities for the post of JE (Civil & Electrical) with appropriate reasonable accommodation -reg .
The undersigned is directed to invite reference to ‘The Rights of Persons with Disabilities Act, 2016’ and Gazette Notification dated 29.08.2022 (copy enclosed) issued by the Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment notifying therewith an addition to the Benchmark Disabilities to be admissible for the post of Junior Engineer (Civil & Electrical).
2. This may be read in the backdrop of the Hon’ble High Court of Delhi’s order dated 18.04.2022, wherein, the Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment was directed to elaborate the various categories under which persons with different disabilities could apply in recruitment of government posts.
3. In compliance of the said directions of the Hon’ble High Court of Delhi, the Department of Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities (Divyangjan) under the said Ministry has issued a notification dated 29.08.2022 and an OM No. 30-12/2020-DD-III dated 07.09.2022 (copy enclosed), amending the earlier notification dated 04.01.2022 to clarify its position in this regard. This amendment has now indicated the status/position in respect of persons with Spine Injury (SI)/ Spine Deformity (SD) which is as follows:
Persons with spine injury/spine deformity can be classified into the following two categories:
i) Persons with SD/SI without any associated neurological/limb dysfunction and
ii) Persons with SD/SI with associated neurological/limb dysfunction.
As per the notification dated 29.08.2022, it has now been mandated that a separate sub-category, i.e., Spinal Deformity (SD) and Spinal Injury (SI) without any associated neurological limb dysfunction shall be incorporated under Locomotor Disability in addition to OA, OL, BA, BL, OAL, BLOA and BLA. Thus, all the posts identified in the list stands identified suitable for persons with SD/SI without neurological/limb dysfunction.
Persons with SD/SI with associated limb dysfunction shall be covered under the respective sub category such as OA, OL, BA, BL, OAL, BLOA and BLA, as the case may be. For example, if a post is identified suitable for OA and OL, the post is also to be suitable for persons with SD/SI with associated limb dysfunction of OL/OA.
4. In this regard, it is stated that the posts of Junior Engineer (Civil & Electrical) may be considered as ‘IDENTIFIED’ for the above-mentioned Benchmark Disability. In view of this, the SDGs of all the four Coordination Regions are requested to hitherto adhere to the notification dated 04.01.2021 read with amendment notification dated 29.08.2022 and incorporate the above-mentioned aspects while recruiting Junior Engineers (Civil & Electrical),
5, Further, it is hereby apprised/reminded that this Directorate has not received any reply in respect of its OM No. A-12021/03/2020-EC.VI, dated 20.05.2022 requesting the Co-ordination Regions to identify 4% posts out of their respective total sanctioned strength for Persons with Disabilities in their workplaces with appropriate reasonable accommodation as envisaged in ‘The Rights of Persons with Disabilities Act, 2016 and to prepare consolidated lists of such posts and places identified for JEs with benchmark Disabilities in their respective regions. The Co-ordination Regions are requested to furnish the reply in this regard to this Directorate positively by 21.10.2022.
This is issued with the approval of Director General, CPWD.
Enclosed: As above.
(अशोक बावल)
उप-निदेशक (प्रशासन-V)