Registration Of GoI Offices in AEBAS System and Training for Bio Metric Attandance System of GOI
Government Of India
Ministry of Communication & Inforamtion Technology
Department Of Electronics & Information Technology
National Informatics Centre
Andaman & Nicobar UT Centre
Port Blair
Sub: Registration Of GoI Offices in AEBAS System and Training for Bio Metric Attandance System of GOI – Reg.
This is regarding implementaion of AEBAS (Aadhar Enabled Bio Metric Attendance System) of Govt of India”in offices of Govt of India located at Port Blair. Kindly also refer to out earlier letter dated 10-03-2015 on same subject. The AEBAS system has been implemeted at NIC, Andaman state unit from 1st Mar 2015 and NIC will now provide technical support to GOl officers in port blair to implement the same in their individual office.
In this connection, we propose to organize a “Registration-cum-Training” programme at our office on 10-04-2015 at 3 Pm onwards to all Gol offices in port Blair. During the programme, following activities will be done:
1. Each individual office will be Registered in AEBAS system, in Online mode. For this kindly fill & sign the enclosed application for on-boarding & bring on training day.
2. The Administrator” details for each registered office will be updated in AEBAS system in online mode. It is requiested that each office may identify “Administrator” for AEBAS and depute them for the programme. The “Administrator”should bring Ahdaar Card Number & Soft copy of photo in. jpg fromat (file size upto 200KB only).
3. The “Administrator” will be trained to register employees in their office (with Aadhaar Card), in AEBAS system in online mode. To start with, the Administrator himself/herself will be registered as an employee. Once an employee is registered in AEBAS, he/she can register attendance daily at respective office, after installing AEBAS in the office.
We will also clarify doubts on AEBAS system during the programme. Kindly arrange to depute the officer indentified as “Administrator” of your office to programme.
Thanking you,
AEBAS Project Corrdinator
Source: cgewcc