Submission of Income Tax Savings Documents for the Financial Year 2022-2023
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Udayan Vihar, Narangi, Guwahati-781171
Subject: Submission of Income Tax Savings Documents for the Financial Year 2022-2023: DAD
For the purpose of assessment and regularization of Income Tax for the Financial Year 2022-2023 (Assessment Year 2023-2024) all the officers and staffs are requested to submit the following documents:-
i) Proof of savings documents insurance premium receipt, NSC, Infrastructure Bond, PPF Bank statement, Housing Loan Certificate from Bank, rent receipt, copy of House owner’s PAN card etc should be produce as per Annexure I and II (enclosed).
ii) Any Officers and staffs claiming exemption of Income Tax under IT Act 1961 under section 197 who have not forwarded the Exemption Certificate for Fy. 2022-23 from Income Tax Department are advised to do so at the earliest; failing which total Tax payable will be deducted at source and Tax refund if any should be claimed only from IT Department. In this connection it is also stated that exemption allowed will be limited to the amount of salary and period of exemption mentioned in the Income Tax Department. Any amount exceeding the amount mentioned in the Certificate and any salary drawn prior or after the period mentioned will be liable for tax deduction. Moreover, the said certificate must pertain to TAN of CDA Guwahati, i.e. SHLC00100C.
iii) Those employees who had produced “Self Declaration” earlier, should also submit proof of savings/documents along with Annexure I and Annexure II failing which the “Self Declaration” submitted earlier shall be considered null and void and Tax Deduction at source shall be done accordingly. It is therefore requested to submit the above documents (whichever applicable) duly completed in all respect such a way that should reached at this office on or before 31.10.2022 to enable the DDO to regulate the Income Tax deduction at source during the current financial year. In absence of receipt of the aforementioned documents from the official,the Income Tax will be deducted based on the available information at this end and any refund, if admissible may be claimed only from the Income Tax Department.
Shri. N.K. Biswas
(GO Admin)
Submission of Income Tax Savings Documents FY 2022-2023-Download PDF