Fixation of pay on grant of 3rd MACP in the grade pay of Rs 7600
Controller General of Defence Accounts
Ulan Batar Road, Palam, Delhi Cantt – 110010
No.AT/Army/Pay Civ/Comp-X/E-4132
Dated: 16th Dec, 2021
All Regional Controllers
PCDA (WC), Chandigarh
Subject: Fixation of pay on grant of 3rd MACP in the grade pay of Rs 7600/-
A case had been received in this HQrs office from one of the Controllers’ Offices seeking clarification as to whether a PGT Master of Sainik School is eligible for Grade Pay of Rs 7600 on grant of 3rd MACP upgradation or not.
2. The issue has been examined in this HQrs office and it is stated that for financial upgradation under MACP Scheme Grade Pay of the next promotional post is given. In this case as there is no next promotional post, the financial upgradation cannot be given.
2. Affected cases may be dealt with accordingly.
This issues with the approval of Addl. CGDA (AD)
Sushil Saraogi
Accounts Officer (Army)