Admissibility of Night Duty Allowance along with HPCA/PCA clarification
File No.AT/Army-BR/A/Civ/2366/NDA/Vol-I
Controller General of Defence Accounts
Ulan Batar Road, Palam, Delhi Cantt- 110010
Dated: 12th Aug 2021
Audit/Army-BR(Civilian Allowance) Section
Subject: Admissibility of Night Duty Allowance alongwith HPCA/PCA clarification reg.
Ref: MoD/D(Med) letter No.7(1)2000/D(Med) dated 417 Nov 2005.
Kindly refer DGMS (Army) letter No. IHQ of MoD (Army) letter No. B/2701/Night duty/DGMS-3(B) dated 02nd Sep 2019 (Copy enclosed) addressed to MH Meerut with copy endorsed to all Command HQrs issuing clarification on admissibility of Night Duty Allowance along with HPCA/PCA. It is felt that the same is not in consonance with the Government letter on the subject.
2. As per para 2 of Ministry of Defence D(Med) letter No. MoD/D(Med) letter 7(1)2000/D(Med) dated 17 Nov 2009,
“The HPCA/PCA is admissible to the Group ‘C’ & ‘D’ (Non-Ministerial) employees excluding nursing personnel working in Armed Forces Hospitals (those with 30 beds or more) and in super Specialty Hospitals (those with 10 beds or more), subject to the condition that no Night Duty Weight age Allowance and Risk Allowance if sanctioned by the Central Government, will be admissible to these employees.
3. In the understanding of this HQrs. office this means that HPCA/PCA is payable only where employees are not drawing Night Duty and Risk Allowance, in other words, either HPCA/PCA Is payable or Night Duty/Risk Allowance. These are not payable together.
4. However, {HQ of MoD (Army) vide their letter No. B/2701/Night duty/DGMS-3(B) dated 02nd Sep 2019 have taken the view that HPCA/PCA ds not payable only if both Night Duty and Risk Allowance are being paid, In their opinion, if either Night Duty or Risk Allowance is not being paid, the employee is eligible for HPCA/PCA.
5. However, it is felt that HPCA/PCA is not payable if either Night Duty or Risk Allowance are being paid.
6. Since, there is a difference of opinion between IHQ of MoD(Army) and this HQrs office, the Ministry may examine the issue and may issue appropriate interpretation of the rule position. It may be noted that only one Allowance (i.e. HPCA/PCA or Night Duty/Risk Allowance) will be paid pending receipt of clarification in the matter.
This issues with the approval of Jt. CGDA (Army)
Sr. Accounts Officer