Payment of revised rate of Composite Personal Maintenance Allowance (CPMA) as per 6th CPC Orders
Ministry Of Defence
MoD ID No.1(2)/2015/D(Pay/Services)
07 Oct,2015
Subject: Payment of revised rate of Composite Personal Maintenance Allowance (CPMA) as per 6th CPC Orders.
Reference CGDA UO No.AT/I/3510/6th CPC/Vol. IX dated 21.01.2015 on the above subject.
2. The matter has been examined in consultation with Defence (finance). It is clarified that composite personal Maintenance Allowance (CPMA) is admissible at single rate w.e.f. 01.09.2008 as per MoD letter No.1/54/2008/D(Pay/Services) dated 4.11.2008 irrespective whether service in kind has been provided or not. It is also clarified that MoD letter No.90099/AG/PS3(b)/1541/D(Pay/Services) dated 13.7.1998 stands obsolete after implementation of VI CPC recommendations.
(Prashant Rastogi)
Under Secretary
Ph: 23012739
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