Promotion of Accounts Officer to the grade of Senior Accounts Officer: Vacancy year 2012-13: Clarification
No . AN/11/2151/SAO/DPC/2012-13
Dated: 30-10-2015
All PCsDA/PCA (Fys)/CsDA
Subject: Promotion of Accounts Officer to the grade of Senior Accounts Officer: Vacancy year 2012-13: Clarification regarding revised option due to revision of date of promotion to the grade of SAO from 01.01.2012 to 01.04.2012.
Reference: HQrs office letter No. AN/11/2151/SAO/DPC/2012-13, dated 19.08.2015.
References have been received from PCsDA/CsDA in this HQrs Office seeking clarification regarding revised option due to revision of date of promotion to the grade of Senior Accounts Officer from 01.01.2012 to 01.04.2012. The matter has been examined in the HQrs Office and it is stated that as per DoP&T 0.M No. 16/8/2000-Estt. (Pay-I) dated 25.02.2003 pursuant to any unforeseen developments or change of rules, a Government Servant may give a revised option for pay fixation under FR 22 (1) (A) (i) within one month from the date of order of such unforeseen developments or change of rules. Acceptance of such revised option may therefore be examined and decided on merits by the Ministry/Department concerned with the approval of DoP&T. The case may, therefore please be processed accordingly.
2. Further after obtaining revised options from the effected officers a consolidated report on the enclosed Performa may please be sent to the HQrs office for taking further necessary action in the matter. The requisite information may please be sent to the HQrs Office positively by 15.11.2015.
Please acknowledge receipt.
(Mustaq Ahmad)
Sr.ACGDA (Admin.)
ENCLOSURE to CGDA Letter No . AN/11/2151/SAO/DPC/2012-13 Dated: 30.10.2015
1. The primary reason for the request of revised option.
2. The reason for not exercising revised option earlier
3. The period of delay.
4. Reasons for delay.
5. Copies of earlier option and revised option exercised by the official along with the promotion order
6. The quantum of loss, if revised option is not allowed, to be indicated .
7. Whether the proposal is covered under unforeseen development/change of rules as per this Department’s OM No.16/8/2000-(Pay-1) dated 25.2.2003.
8. Specify the unforeseen development/change of rules due to which option sought to be revised.
9. Whether the option was exercised by the individual within the stipulated period i.e. one month as envisaged under OM No.16/8/2000-(Pay-l)dated 25.2.2003.
10. Whether unforeseen development has any effect on the DNI/Pay drawn by the individual prior to his date of promotion.
11. Whether it is an isolated case.
12, In case of retired officials, the date of their retirement and the copies of the representations made/option exercised by them may be furnished.
13. Comparative pay statement with/without revised option duly verified by the competent authority in a tabular form specifying clearly the arrears.
14. Recommendations/views of MU/FA on the specific point of reference.
15. Approval of an officer not below the level of JS for referring the case to this Department.
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