Non-Revision of Rate of Hospital Patient Care Allowance to the staff working at Regional Ayurveda Research Institute ….
File No.Z.28015/19/2018-H-II
Government Of India
Ministry Of Health and Family Welfare
(Hospital – II Section)
Nirman Bhawan, New Delhi
Dated: 25-05-2018
Sub: Non-Revision of Rate of Hospital Patient Care Allowance to the staff working at Regional Ayurveda Research Institute for Life Style related Disorders (RARILSD), Poojappara, Thiruvananthapuram (Kerala)-reg.
The Undersigned is directed to enclose here with a copy of letter No.confdn/Genl/2016-19 dated 18.03.2018 received from Shri.M.Krishnan, Secretary General, Member, Standing committee National council JCM, confederation of Central Govt. Employees & workers, North Avenue PO Building, New Delhi, on the above mentioned subject for further necessary action at your end in the light of this this Ministry’s letter No.Z.28015/119/2012-H dated 17.12.2012.
Under Secretary to the Government of India.
Tele: 23061521