Payment of DR to re-employed pensioners
Government Of India
Ministry of Personnel, P.G and Pensions
Department of pension & pensioners Welfare
3rs Floor, Lok Nayak Bhawan
Khan Market, New Delhi – 110 003
Date: 22 Feb,2018
Subject: Payment of DR to re-employed pensioners-reg.
The undersigned is directed to refer to Ministry of Railways DO No.F(E)III/2008/PN1/13 dated 09.11.2017 on the subject cited above and to say that matter has been examined.
2. The intention of Rule 55-A of CCS(Pension) Rules, 1972 is that the pensioner whose last pay drawn is protected and is not fixed at the minimum in the re-employed post in a Government or Corporation/company/Body/Bank under the Government, he would not be entitled to dearness relief on pension while working in the re-employed post. For this purpose all Corporations/companies which are owned by the Government are to be treated as Corporations/Companies under the Government. Further, such Corporations/Companies, though not directly owned by the Government but more than 50% of their sharcholding lies with the Government and/or Government Companies are also required to be treated as Corporations/Companies under the Government for the purpose of regulating Dearness Relief on pension. companies like Angul Sukinda Railway Ltd. and the Haridaspur Paradip Railway Company Ltd, which are otherwise not Government companies as per the definition of Government Company under the Companies Act, would also be treated as Corporations/companies under the Government because bulk of their sharholding lies with the Government/Government Companies.
3. In view of this Dearness Relief on the pension granted for the service rendered in the Central Government is not admissible in the present case.
4. This issues with the approval of competent authority.
(Charanjit Taneja)
Under Secretary to the Govt. of India
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