Minutes of the 31st SCOVA meeting held under the chairmanship of Hon’ble MOS(PP) on 05-09-2019
Government Of India
Ministry Of Personnel, P.G and Pensions
Department of pension & Pensioners Welfare
3rd Floor, Lok Nayak Bhawan
Khan Market, New Delhi – 110 003
Date: 25th October 2019
All the Pensioners Associations included in the SCOVA
vide Resolution dated 31.01.2018
Minutes of the 31st SCOVA meeting held under the chairmanship of Hon’ble MOS(PP) on 05-09-2019 at Vigyan Bhawan Annexe, New Delhi – reg.
Please find enclosed herewith the minutes of the 31st Meeting of Standing Committee of Voluntary Agencies (SCOVA) held under the Chairmanship of Hon’ble MOS(PP) on 05-09-2019 at vigyan Bhawan Annexe, New Delhi for your kind perusal.
Encl: as above
(Charanjit Taneja)
Under Secretary to the Government Of India
Minutes of the 31st Meeting of Standing Committee of Voluntary Agencies (SCOVA) held on 05.09.2019 under the Chairmanship of Hon’ble MOS(PP) at Vigyan Bhawan Annexe, New Delhi
The 31st meeting of Standing Committee of Voluntary Agencies (SCOVA) was held under the chairmanship of Hon’ble MOS(PP) on 05.09.2019. List of participants is enclosed.
2. Joint Secretary (P) welcomed the representatives of Pensioners Associations and the participating officers from various Ministries/Departments.
3. The Action Taken Report on the decisions of the 30th SCOVA meeting and New Agenda Items of the 31st SCOVA meeting were taken up for discussion.
4. Discussion on the Action Taken Report of 30th SCOVA meeting
(i) Revision of PPOs of pre-2006 Air Force pensioners.
CGDA informed that corrigendum PPOs for revision of pension after 7th CPC are being issued to all pensioners and this would cover those pensioners in whose case revised pension authority was not issued after 6th CPC. CGDA was further requested to reconcile the number of Air Force Pensioners whose pension is to be revised after 6th CPC/7th CPC in consultation with Directorate of Air Veterans, Air HQ, New Delhi.Therefore, CGDA is required to interact with Directorate of Air Veterans to reconcile the number of Air Force Pensioners whose pension is yet to be revised in terms of provisions contained in 6th/7th CPC and also ensure that revised pension authority is issued in respect of all Defence pensioners including Air Force Pensioners.
A monthly status report in this regard will be sent by CGDA to Department of Pension & Pensioners’ Welfare.
(Action: CGDA)
(ii). Health Insurance Scheme for pensioners including those residing in NonCGHS area.
Ministry of Health and Family Welfare informed that proposal/EFC memo for the Health Insurance Scheme had been submitted to Department of Expenditure. A revised EFC memo has been sent to Department of Expenditure in April,2019 and the same is pending for approval by the Department of Expenditure.
Joint Secretary (P&PW) mentioned that his issue has been pending for a long time and it needs to be resolved at the earliest. He requested Ministry of Health and Family Welfare to pursue this matter vigorously with Department of Expenditure.
(Action: Ministry of Health & Family Welfare and Department of Expenditure)
(iii). Conversion of Postal Dispensary at Cantt. Road Cuttack to CGHS Wellness Centre.
Ministry of Health & Family Welfare informed that the orders dated 21.12.2018 have been issued for merger of all P&T dispensaries with CGHS which includes Postal Dispensary at Cantt. Road, Cuttack.
The item was closed.
(iv). Anomaly in fixation of pension of DoT employees who were absorbed in BSNL between 01.10.2000 and 30.07.2001.
Department of Telecom informed that Hon’ble CAT has allowed a petition filed by the affected pensioners of BSNL for fixation of their pension based on their IDA Pay in BSNL. DoT has filed a writ petition i.e WP No. 10019/2017 against the rder dated 16.12.2016 of Hon’be CAT and Hon’ble High Court has directed that no coercive steps shall be taken by the pensioners for implementing the order of Hon’ble CAT. The matter is sub-judice in the High Court.
Department of Telecom also informed that in regard to the alternate formulation suggested by DoPPW, views of Department of Public Enterprise (DPE) were sought as to whether any similar case of anomaly of pension has been reported by any Ministry. DPE have informed that there is no such precedent.
Department of Expenditure had earlier asked DoT for the financial implications on implementation of the said formulation suggested by DoPPW and DoT is working on that.
Department of Telecom was advised to calculate the financial implications in respect of both the formulation i.e the one which has been allowed by Hon’ble CAT in its order dated 16.12.2016 and the other suggested by DOPPW and submit the same to DoPPW/Department of Expenditure.
(Action:- Department of Telecom)
(v). Extension of benefit of upgraded Grade Pay to pre-2006 retirees of S-12 grade (Issue of grant of grade pay of Rs. 4600/- instead of Rs. 4200/-).
It was informed that DoPPW has since issued orders dated 04.01.2019 and
09.07.2019 for 6th and 7th CPC respectively for revision of pension based on grade pay of Rs.4600/-. Therefore the matter stands resolved.
The item was closed.
(vi). Merger of Survey of India Dispensary at Dehradun in CGHS on the same lines as P&T.
Representative of Ministry of Health and Family Welfare informed that the orders dated 22.10.2018 have been issued in this regard.
The item was closed.
(vii). Stoppage of recovery of wrongful/excess payments from Railways Pensioners.
It was informed by Ministry of Railways that the Ministry of Railways vide letter dated 04.05.2017 has issued instructions to provisionally stop recovery from pensioners till further advice. In the meantime, the complete details of overpayments and recoveries is required to be complied before sending the case to Department of Expenditure to seek their approval for waiver of recoveries made due to payment of excess pension. It was
further informed by Ministry of Railways that details from 6 Zonal Railways/PUs were still awaited.
One of the Pensioners’ Associations stated that though the instructions mentioned in Railway Board’s letter dated 04.05.2017 are being implemented, by and large, there are a few cases where the recovery of excess payment is still being made. Joint Secretary (P&PW) requested the Pensioners Association to provide details of the specific cases to the Ministry of Railways so that the same may be resolved by Railway Board.
The item was closed.
(viii). Delay in commencement of family pension to spouse on death of pensioners.
CPAO informed that they have obtained data regarding time taken in commencement of family pension from all banks. As per the report prepared by CPAO, there has been significant improvement in this regard since the last SCOVA meeting.
Department of Financial Services (DFS) informed that difficulties are faced by banks in commencement of family pension on account of delay in receipt of death certificate of the deceased pensioner and completion of other paperwork formalities by family pensioner
Representatives from State Bank of India (SBI), Punjab National Bank (PNB) and Bank of Baroda (BoB) informed that in almost all cases, family pension is started within one month after receipt of the death certificate/ documents from the family pensioner.
In respect of family pensioners from Defence, CGDA informed that necessary guidelines have been issued vide PCDA(P), Allahabad Circular No. 203 dated 17.07.2018 whereby PDA have been advised to make sure that acknowledgement is invariably given by the PDAs to the family member on receipt of death certificate of the deceased pensioner /application for commencement of family pension and family pension is paid within one month.
Representatives of Pensioners Associations said that banks like United Commercial Bank, Indian Bank, Canara Bank are following the old procedures and are taking up to 3 month time or even longer, to start family pension. DFS was requested to issue suitable instructions to banks.
The item was closed. However, it was decided that CPAO/CGDA/DoPPW would
continue to monitor the status of timely commencement of family pension by the Banks.
(ix). Timely (a) Restoration of commuted pension and (b) Commencement of
Additional Pension on attaining the age of 80 years by the Banks.
It was informed by Department of Financial Services that most of the banks have automated system for restoration of commuted pension after 15 years and also for commencement of additional pension on attaining the age of 80 years. The banks where automated system is not presently available were requested to take action to make the system fully automated.
Representatives of Pensioners Associations and CGDA mentioned that in respect of family pensioners of Defence, as regards proof of age/date of birth and payment of additional pension, PCDAP) Allahabad issued Circulars whereby PDAs have been advised to follow the orders for payment of additional pension, but PDAs are not following circulars. PCDA will issue particular reiterating the instructions.
The data compiled by CPAO shows that there has been significant improvement
in timely restoration of commuted pension and commencement of Additional Pension on attaining the age of 80 years, and the position in this respect is quite satisfactory.
The item was closed.
(x). Item wise details of payment made to be shown in the pass books of pensioners.
It was informed that most of the banks have been providing the details/breakup of pension to the pensioners through SMS/Email etc. Further, personal and pension related information could be viewed from the dashboard facility provided by the CPAO.
SBI and PNB informed that they have also provided facilities on their web portals for viewing the pension details/breakup by the pensioners.
In view of the above, item was closed.
(xi). Upgradation of Polyclinic at Bajaj Nagar, Jaipur.
The representative of the association informed that that lift in the wellness centre has not been installed, due to which the old patients are facing a lot of difficulty. Ministry of Health & Family Welfare informed that funds have been released to CPWD for this purpose and delay is on the part of CPWD only. The basic issue raised by the Association related to upgradation and installation of new equipment in the polyclinic at Bajaj Nagar, Jaipur. It was observed that most of the issues have already been resolved. As regards the issue of relating to installation of lift, Ministry of Health and Family Welfare was advised to convene a meeting with the CPWD authorities and resolve this matter at the earliest. Ministry of Health and Family Welfare was also requested to monitor the progress in this regard at their own level till the satisfaction of
the Pensioners/Association.
The item may be closed.
(xii). Setting up of CGHS Wellness Centre at Kochi.
Ministry of Health and Family Welfare informed that opening of new CGHS Wellness Centre at Kochi has been approved. A building for the same has also been identified and legal formalities are underway to take the building on rent. CGHS Wellness Centre shall start functioning once the possession of the building is taken and necessary renovations are done.
The item was closed.
(xiii). Empanelment of Hospitals/ Health Centre with CGHS in Ambernath/Dombivli.
Ministry of Health & Family Welfare further informed that a few private hospitals near Ambarnath have been empanelled. In case any hospital agrees to the rates/terms and fulfills the conditions empanelment under CGHS comes forward, the same will be empanelled under CGHS.
The item was closed.
(xiv) Revision of PPOs of pre-2016 pensioners/family pensioners as per 7th CPC orders.
CPAO informed that out of 9.03 lakh cases, 7.75 lakh cases have been revised. CPAO also informed that they are monitoring the progress of the same on daily basis.
Ministry of Railways informed that out of 13.87 lakh cases, they have issued revised authorities in respect of 12.30 lakh cases.
Department of Telecom informed that out of 98,300 cases, 97,400 cases have been revised.
Department of Posts informed that out of 2.58 lakh cases, 2.30 lakh cases have been revised.
CGDA informed that out of 4.95 lakh cases of Defence Civilian pensioners/family pensioners, revised authority has been issued in respect of 4.53 lakh cases. CGDA further informed that in respect of pensioners from Defence Forces, out of 25 lakh cases, approximately 13 lakh cases have been revised so far.
The Departments were requested to complete the revision of pension and the remaining cases at the earliest.
(Action:-CPAO, Ministry of Railways, Department of Posts, Department of Telecom, Ministry of Defence/CGDA)
(xv) Payment of arrears accruing in respect of deceased pensioners/family pensioners to the nominee/legal heir.
CPAO informed that that on death of the pensioners/family pensioners, the pension account is closed by the bank and the balance amount in the account of pensioners/family pensioners is paid to the nominees/legal heirs. However, it is observed that the life time arrears arising subsequently on account of Pay Commission etc. are not paid to the nominees/legal heirs of the deceased pensioners/family pensioners either on account of fact that the pension/family pension is not revised by the concerned Pension Sanctioning Authority (PSA) or the amount of arrears of revised pension/family pension is not paid due to closure of the bank account.
DoPPW informed that as per the instructions, revised pension payment authority has to be issued in respect of all pensioners/family pensioners who were alive as on 01.01.2016 and lifetime arrears has to be paid to the families of such pensioners/family pensioners who died after 01.01.2016. It was also informed that in accordance with the Para 23 of the Scheme booklet of CPAO, where the bank account of the deceased pensioner or family pensioner has been closed, the lifetime arrears are required to be paid by the pension disbursing bank through the bank pay order after making suitable note on both the halves of the PPO. It was decided that the DoPPW will reiterate the above instructions to all pension sanctioning authorities/pension disbursing authorities for compliance.
(Action: DoPPW and CPAO)
(xvi) Extension of benefit of modified parity/revision of pension by pay fixation method to pensioners drawing Compulsory retirement pension/Compassionate Allowance (on dismissal/removal).
It was informed that a fresh proposal has been referred to Department of Expenditure on16.08.2019 for their consideration based on a decision taken in the recent JCM meeting.
This item has also been included in the New Agenda Items. Therefore, this item may be closed here.
(xvii) Revision of CGHS package rates suitable for attracting more private hospitals for empanelment.
Ministry of Health & Family Welfare informed that Empanelment of private hospitals under CGHS is a continuous process. Revision of rates is an administrative matter. Many Hospitals and Diagnostic Centres are applying for empanelment under CGHS at the current rates in all CGHS cities. As on date, a total of 681 private hospitals, 374 Eye Centres, 176 Dental Clinics and 229 Diagnostic Centre and Imaging are empanelled under CGHS.
In view of the above explanation of Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, the item was closed.
(xviii) Difference in Last Rank held and Rank for Pension in the case of pre 2006 military pensioners.
The representative of one of the Pensioners Associations informed that the benefit of One Rank One Pension has been given to the Military Pensioners based on their last rank only if they had worked for a minimum period of 10 months on that rank. If the period of service in the last rank was less than 10 month, the benefit of OROP has been given on the basis of the lower rank.
CGDA informed that as per the instructions issued by Ministry of Defence, the benefit of OROP is available with reference to last rank only if the pensioner had worked on that rank for a minimum period of 10 months. This being a policy issue, it is for the Ministry of Defence/Department of Ex-servicemen Welfare to take a decision on the issue raised by the Pensioners Association.
It was decided that Ministry of Defence/Department of Ex-servicemen Welfare will be requested for their views on this agenda item.
(Action:- Ministry of Defence/Department of Ex-servicemen Welfare)
(xix) Extension of benefit of Composite Hospitals to CAPF personnel.
Ministry of Home Affairs informed that as per the decision in the last SCOVA meeting, a detailed representation has not been submitted by the concerned Pensioners Association (All India Ex-Para Military Personnel Association, Jalandhar) to MHA. The Association was requested to submit the representation to MHA for taking a considered view in the matter.
(Action: Ministry of Home Affairs, All India Ex-Para Military Personnel Association, Jalandhar)
5. Discussion on New Agenda Items of 31st SCOVA meeting
(31.1) Negligence by the Departments / Banks for disposals of grievances of Pensioners within reasonable time.
It was informed in the meeting that 83% cases in the CPENGRAMS are being resolved within stipulated period of 60 days. DoPPW had conducted a third party evaluation of the delay in pending grievances. On the analysis of the report, it was found that most of the cases were pending at the level of Banks. In the regular meetings held with the banks, it has been impressed to them to make their system automated and streamline.
Banks present in the meeting informed that they have developed their own grievances redressal portals for the redressal of the grievances. Further, banks also informed that they are also taking grievances from CPENGRAMS.
Joint Secretary (P&PW) informed that the DoPPW is also holding Pension Adalats for the redressal of the grievances. In addition to this, All India Pension Adalats by various Ministries/Departments in different regions of the country were conducted on 23.08.2019 for the resolution of the grievances. Further, JS (P&PW) informed that DoPPW has developed a Dashboard for monitoring of the grievances at different levels of the Ministries/Departments. In addition to this, an integrated Call Centre has also been functioning for facilitating the pensioners and strengthen the grievance redressal machinery.
It was also informed that DoPPW is conducting monthly meetings with the concerned Ministries/Departments where the grievances are pending for more than 60 days and also where the pensioners are not satisfied with the reply given by the Ministries/Departments.
In view of the position explained above, the item was closed
(31.2) Simplification of Procedure for grant of Family Pension in some Railway Divisions and Workshops.
Ministry of Railways informed that vide Railway Board’s letter No. 2014/AC II/21/11/SCOVA dated 23rd August, 2019 they have already reiterated the existing instructions regarding be dependency criteria for the purpose of family pension and also for acceptance of self-declaration by the family members in cases where the family member is unemployed or self-employed.
In view of the above, the time was closed.
(31.3) Improvement of Health Care facilities required for Railway Pensioners/RELHS beneficiaries:
(a) Authorisation of Doctors of Railway Health Units for referral to empanelled private hospitals:
(b) Special provisions for Treatment of RELHS Beneficiaries who are above 80 years of age
(c) Waiving of condition of Referral from Railway Doctor of RELHS beneficiaries for OPD Consultation & treatment in Government Hospitals.
It was informed by the Ministry of Railways that medical facilities of Railway pensioners/RELHS beneficiaries are catered through three tier medical system. Primary Health Units takes care of medical needs on day to day basis. Cases which require specialised test/treatment are referred to Divisional/Sub-divisional/Central Hospitals takes care.
Further, Railways has invested huge amount of money in developing diagnostic system and treatment facility. Therefore, if the suggestion of referral to private empanelled hospitals from Health Units is agreed to in all the cases then the infrastructure and manpower in establishing secondary and tertiary facilities through Divisional/Sub Divisional and Central Hospitals will remain under-utilized/unutilized.
In addition to this, both Railway serving employees and RELHS beneficiaries are eligible to take both OPD and IPD treatment in any Government Hospitals during emergency as per provisions laid down in para 657 of Indian Railways Medical Manual, 200. The amount paid to such treatment is fully reimbursable.
It was also informed by Ministry of Railways that UMID (Uniform Medical Identity Card) scheme, a web and mobile based application to generate Medical Identity Cards for Railway employees & pensioners and dependent family members has been launched. This initiative aims to simplify access to health care services, eliminating the need for railway staff to carry the physical card/health book. UMID will generate smart Medical Identity Cards with unique numbering scheme across all the Units in Indian Railways so as to facilitate availing medical services from any other units by their unique identification and validation.
In view of the explanation given by Ministry of Railways, the item was closed.
(31.4) Deletion of Note 3 below Pension Rule – 34 – Average emoluments.
It was informed that DoPPW is considering a proposal to amend Rule 33 and Rule 34 of the CCS (Pension) Rules, 1972, so that the increment earned during leave, though not actually drawn, also forms part of emoluments for determining the amount of pension, irrespective of the duration of the leave. The proposal will be examined in consultation with Department of Expenditure.
(Action:- DoPPW)
(31.5) Revision of pension/family pension under 7th CPC in terms of Do P&PW
OM dated 12th May, 2017 in respect of the pensioners who were in receipt of
compulsory retirement pension and compassionate allowance under Rules 40 and 41 of CCS(Pension) Rules, 1972
It was informed that a fresh proposal has been referred to Department of Expenditure on16.08.2019 for their consideration based on a decision taken in the recent JCM meeting. The matter will be followed up with Department of Expenditure.
(Action:- DoPPW)
(31.6) Booking of Holiday Homes for Central Government Pensioners enhancement of time limit from 30 days to 60 days.
Although, no representative from Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs was present in the SCOVA meeting, in a communication dated 03.09.2018, Directorate of Estates, informed that the provision for time limit for booking of Holiday Homes of 60 days for the serving Central Government has been made considering their official tours (which are mostly decided on urgent basis/unplanned and short in nature) and availing LTC during the service period wherein they have to plan the tour well in advance considering the availability of tickets and leaves(s) grant Retired Government officials,PSU, State Govt. etc. can avail the services of Holiday Homes at different time period without any sort of restriction.
It was, however, observed that the touring officers can avail hotel accommodation as per their entitlements. The holiday homes are basically for providing suitable accommodation for employees/pensioners who are on vacation. The pensioners who have got limited resources are more deserving for accommodation in the holiday homes. It was therefore, decided that the matter would again be taken up with Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs, Directorate of Estates for reconsideration.
(Action:- Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs/DoPPW)
(31.7) Formal approval to Chandigarh Administration for allotment of plot to CGHS, Chandigarh.
Ministry of Health and Family Welfare informed that a plot in Sector 41-B, Chandigarh has been earmarked for CGHS dispensary. MHA has been insisting for sale of the plot to CGHS on the market rate only. CGHS has requested MHA that being a welfare scheme for the health insurance to Government employees/ pensioners, the land may be allotted to CGHS at subsidized rate, as has been done in the case of expansion of PGI, Chandigarh.
No representative from Ministry of Home Affairs was present in the meeting to explain the status/position on this Agenda Item.
It was decided that DoPPW will take up the matter with MHA for allotment of the earmarked plot to CGHS on subsidized rates.
(Action:- Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Ministry of Home Affairs and DoPPW)
(31.8) Curtailing of investigations prescribed by specialists of empanelled hospitals.
Ministry of Health and Family Welfare informed that normally the investigations advised by the Specialist of empanelled hospitals are endorsed by the Medical Officer of CGHS Wellness Center. However, if the Medical Officer considers that a particular investigation is not justified, he may not endorse the same. It is a part of checks and balances in the system. If any non-listed investigation is advised by specialist of empanelled hospital the same requires the approval of Additional Director of superior authority.
In view of the above explanation by Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, the item was closed.
(31.9) No direct consultation with NIA, Jaipur
Ministry of Health and Family Welfare informed that there is no bar on CGHS beneficiaries to consult Government Doctors/Specialists in a recognized medical system and no referral from CGHS is required. A order dated 21.08.2019 has also been issued in this regard.
The item was closed.
(31.10) Regular appointment of regular Gr. C & D (Technical) and Administrative staff in the CGHS Dispensary in Dehradun.
Ministry of Health & Family Welfare informed that action to recruit regular incumbents for the sanctioned posts in the CGHS Wellness Centre, Dehradun could not be taken up so far as in the meantime, the contractual staff had filed petitions in the court and the matter is sub-judice.
The process of filling up the vacant posts in the Wellness Centre of Survey of India, which has been merged with CGHS, has already been initiated.
It was decided that the item may be closed for the present. The item may be taken up again after the conclusion of the court case referred to above.
(31.11) CGHS contribution at the rates prevailing while the old P&T pensioners retired from service.
Ministry of Health and Family Welfare informed that CGHS contribution is always to be made as per the rates prevalent at the time of enrolling under CGHS. This is applicable to all beneficiaries. Pensioners have the option to contribute subscription on yearly basis for upto 10 years, if they consider that paying 10 year subscription in one go for the life time card is a burden.
It was, however, observed that the facility of CGHS was not provided to the P&T pensioners on their retirement as per the instructions existing at that time. Now, that this facility has been extended to P&T pensioners, it may not be fair to ask them to pay the contribution as per the current rates instead of the rates prevailing at the time of their retirement. Ministry of Health and Family Welfare agreed to reconsider this matter.
(Action:- Ministry of Health and Family Welfare)
(31.12) CGHS Facility for BSNL Pensioners at rates prevalent at the time of formation of BSNL in 1999.
Ministry of Health and Family Welfare informed that there is no provision under CGHS for refund of subscription, if someone opts out of it. The eligible BSNL retirees have to submit CGHS contribution as per the rates prevalent at the time of enrolling under CGHS. This is applicable to all beneficiaries. The eligible retirees of BSNL have the option to contribute subscription on yearly basis for upto 10 years, if they consider that paying 10 years subscription in one go for life time car is a burden.
It was observed that some of the BSNL pensioners had earlier paid the required contribution for availing the CGHS facility and later switched to the medical facilities from BSNL. The contributions deposited by the BSNL pensioners with the CGHS were however not refunded to them. In case they are allowed to switch over to the CGHS facility again by surrendering the medical facilities of BSNL, they should not be made to 12 pay the CGHS contribution again. Ministry of Health and Family Welfare stated that they would reconsider this matter accordingly.
(Action:- Ministry of Health and Family Welfare)
6. In view of the large number of health relating issues, it was decided to hold review meetings with Ministry of Health and Family Welfare.
7. Secretary (P&PW) said that Department of Pension and Pensioners’ Welfare has continuously been taking numerous steps for the welfare of the pensioners like setting up of Integrated Grievance Cell and Call Center, recently commissioned Dashboard for real-time monitoring tool of grievances and Bhavishya cases.
8. Hon’ble MOS(PP) said that it had been a pleasant and fruitful interaction, which is indicative of the efforts being made by Department of Pension & Pensioners’ Welfare. He said that we must devolve a mechanism in utilizing pensioners’ expertise and energy in a creative way.
9. Hon’ble MOS(PP) referred to recent initiative by DoPPW in broad basing the use of DLC, especially for those old and infirm pensioners who are unable to visit bank branches and stand in queues for submission of life certificate in coordination with the Pensioners’ Association all over the country. He further said that pensioners of 80 years (super senior citizens) and above may now submit their Digital Life Certificate w.e.f 1st October, which will be valid up to 30th November of subsequent year.
10. One of the SCOVA Pensioners’ Associations requested to hold SCOVA meetings on quarterly basis. However, Hon’ble MOS(PP) agreed to holding of SCOVA meetings twice a year.
The meeting ended with the vote of thanks to the Chair.