Prime Minister’s New 15 Point Programme for Welfare of Minorities…
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions
Department of Personnel & Training
(Estt. (B) Section)
North Block, New Delhi
Dated the 12th April, 2016
Subject: Prime Minister’s New 15 Point Programme for Welfare of Minorities —measures to give special consideration to minorities in recruitment —annual report for the year 2015 — 16 regarding.
The undersigned is directed to refer to this Department’s O.M No.39016/7(s)/2006 – Estt.(B) dated 08.01.2007 on the above mentioned subject under which all Ministries / Departments are required to furnish to this Department the requisite data in the proforma enclosed for the period ending 31st March, in the month of April. Accordingly, the report for the period 01.04.2015 to 31.03.2016 is required to be furnished by 30th April, 2016. The progress made in this regard is reviewed by the Committee of Secretaries and the Cabinet periodically.
2. In this connection, it is brought to your notice that the Jain Community has been notified as minority community vide National Commission for Minorities’ Notification dated 27th January, 2014. In addition to the five communities already notified as minority communities viz. Muslims, Christians, Sikhs, Buddhists and Zoroastrians (Parsis). Accordingly, it may be ensured that data relating to Jain Community candidates are also taken into account/included in the annual consolidated data.
3. It may also be ensured while furnishing the annual data that in case there is decline in the percentage of recruitment of minority communities with reference such recruitment for previous year, reasons for such decline may be examined and intimated. The points given in the annexure may kindly be kept in view, while compiling/ furnishing requisite annual consolidated data in the prescribed proforma.
4. The name / address / telephone No. of the Nodal Officers may kindly be indicated to this Department.
5. The Ministries/Departments are, therefore, requested to furnish their annual report in respect of candidates belonging to minority communities for the Period 01.04.2015 to 31.03.2016 in the Prescribed proforma well within the deteline 30th April, 2016 Positively.
Encl: As above.
(Devesh chaturvedi)
Joint Secretary to the Govt. of India
Points to be kept in view while furnishing Annual Report on recruitment in terms of DOP&T’s O.M.No.39016/7(s)/2006-Estt.(B) dated 08.01.2007.
1. The annual report in proforma-II to this Department should include information in respect of Ministry/Department proper and subordinate/attached offices, statutory/autonomous bodies as per the rows/columns provided in the proforma-II (Copy enclosed)
2. Information in respect of Central Public Undertakings (CPSUs) may be sent to Department of Public Enterprises and not to DOP&T.
3. The reasons for decline in the percentage of recruitment of minority communities’ candidates as compare to previous year’s data may also be intimated.
4. The persons appointed on transfer on deputation may not be included in the report.
5. The report should be furnished in consolidated form and merely forwarding the reports received from various divisions/offices to this Department may be avoided.
6. The nodal officer in the Ministry/Department nominated to corrdinate the matter relating to implementation of Point – 10 of the Prime Minister’s New 15 Point programme for the welfare of minorities may scrutinize the report before sending it to this Department to ensure that the factually correct and complete and does not suffer from numerical inaccuracies/inconsistencies.