7th Pay Commission Risk Allowance revised rates to the Central Government Employees
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, PG &: Pensions
Department of Personnel& Training
Block No.IV, Room No.409
Old JNU CaiDpus, New Delhi
Dated 03 November, 2020
Office Memorandum
Subject: Implementation of Govt. decision on 7th CPC recommendations on Risk Allowance to Central Govt. employees-regarding
Consequent upon the decision taken by the Government on the recommendations made by the 7th Central Pay Commission on the subject of Risk Allowance and with the approval of D/o Expenditure, it has been decided to revise the rates of Risk
Allowance paid to the CentraI Govt. employees. The revised rates of Risk Allowance are as follows:
Sl.No. | Categories of employees | Revised Rates in Rupees per Month |
1 | Unskilled Workers | 90 |
2 | Semi-skilled workers | 135 |
3 | Skilled workers | 180 |
4 | Supervisors | 225 |
5 | Non-gazetted officers engaged in Nitro Glycerine preparation | 405 |
6 | Gazetted officers engaged in Nitro Glycerine preparation | 675 |
7 | Danger Building Officers | 900 |
2. Risk Allowance with revised rates shall be payable from the date of issue of this OM. Further, all other terms and conditions envisaged in the O.M. No.21012/4/88-Allowances dated 22.08.1988 shall continue to apply.
3. Hindi Version will follow
(Rajendra Prasad Tewari)
Under Secretary to the Government of India