Consolidated guidelines on deputation/foreign service for Central Government employees
The Office Memorandum dated March 28, 2024, issued by the Department of Personnel and Training, Government of India, presents consolidated guidelines on deputation/foreign service for Central Government employees. These guidelines, initially outlined in OM No. AB-14017/2/07-Estt(RR) dated February 29, 2008, define foreign service for Central Government employees and cover appointments under categories such as the Central Staffing Scheme (CSS).
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions
Department of Personnel and Training
North Block, New Delhi
Dated 28 March, 2024
Subject:- Consolidated guidelines on deputation/foreign service for Central Government employees
D/o Personnel & Training (DoPT) had vide OM No. AB-14017/2/07-Estt(RR) dated 29.02.2008 issued consolidated guidelines governing appointments of the Central Government employees to the posts filled on deputation / foreign service.
2. In so far as Central Government employees are concerned, foreign service has been defined as service in which a Government servant received his pay with the sanction of Government from any source other than the Consolidated Fund of India { FR 9(7)}.
3. Instructions contained in the OM referred above cover cases involving appointments under following categories:
[DOPT OM No. AB-14017/2/07-Estt(RR) dated 29.02.2008]
(a) Central Staffing Scheme (CSS)
Central Staffing Scheme (CSS) provides a systematic arrangement for selection and appointment of officers to senior administrative posts at Centre, excluding posts which are specifically encadred within the Organised Group ‘A’ Services or filled by recruitment through the Union Public Service Commission. Instructions governing various aspects of the Central Staffing Scheme issued from time to time have been consolidated and placed on the official website of DoPT. Matters relating to appointment under Central Staffing Scheme and other related issues are handled in the Office of the Establishment Officer (O/o the EO), DoPT.
(b) Non-Central Staffing Scheme (Non-CSS)
Appointments to following categories of posts are covered under Non-Central Staffing Scheme:
i. Posts of Chief Vigilance Officer (CVOs). Guidelines/procedure for appointment of CVOs in CPSEs and other organizations under Central Government and their service conditions have been consolidated and placed on DoPT’s official website. Matters relating to appointment of CVOs and other related issues are handled in O/o the EO, DoPT.
[DoPT OM No.40/1/2022-EO(CVO) dated 18.11.2022]
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