Grant of leave to officers belonging to All India Services on completion of their tenures of Inter-cadre deputation
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievance and Pensions
Department of Personnel & Training
North Block, New Delhi
dated 9th February, 2018
The Chief Secretaries of all the
State Governments / UTs
Subject: Grant of leave to officers belonging to All India Services on completion of their tenures of Inter-cadre deputation — reg.
This Department has issued Consolidated Deputation Guidelines for All India Services w.r.t. Rule 6 of the IAS (Cadre) Rules, 1954 and analogous provisions in the IPS (Cadre) Rules and IFoS (Cadre) Rules, vide letter No. 14017/33/2005-AIS(11)(Pt.) dated 28th November 2007.
2. Clause 1.3 under para 3.2 of the said instructions issued vide letter dated 28th November 2007 provides for inter-cadre deputation to another State Government, under Rule 6(2)(ii) of the IAS (Cadre) Rules, 1954 and analogous provisions in the IPS (Cadre) Rules and IFoS (Cadre) Rules. Maximum tenure of 5 years has been provided for this category, provided that the officer has completed 9 years in his own cadre and has not reached the Super-time scale.
3. In so far as Central Deputation as per clause 1.1 under Rule 6(1) is concerned, instructions issued vide this Department’s OM No.27(38)-30/87 (SM) dated 20th May 1987 (copy enclosed) provide that on reversion from Central deputation, the officers concerned might be allowed leave not exceeding two months by the concerned Ministry / Department, and that the officer concerned should apply for further leave to the State Government / Cadre Authority. It is also to be stated that such leave is debitable from the leave account of the Officer.
4. The matter regarding extending these instructions to cases of inter-cadre deputation has been considered and it has now been decided with the approval of the Competent Authority that the said instructions dated 20th May 1987 as amended from time-to-time are also applicable to cases of inter-cadre deputations mentioned above.
(Jyotnsa Gupta)
Under Secretary to the Govt. of India
Tel.: 011 2309 4714
Encl.: As stated