Guidelines for fixing pay of candidates working in public sector undertakings
Government Of India
Ministry Of Personnel Public Grievanceas & Pensions
Department Of Personnel & Training
New Delhi, the 7th August 1989
Subject: Guidelines for fixing pay of candidates working in public sector undertakings, etc. recommended for appointment by the Commission by the method of recruitment by selection -regarding.
The undersigned is directed to say that as per extant rules/orders on the subject, pay protection is granted to candidates who are appointed by the method of recruitment by selection through the UPSC if such candidates are in Government service. No such pay protection is granted to candidates working in public sector under takings, universities,semi-government institutions of autonomous bodies, when they are so appointed in Government. As a result of this, it has not been possible for government to draw upon the talent that is available in non-government organisations.
2. The question as to how pay protection can be given in the case of candidates recruited from public sector undertakings, etc. has been engarging the attention of the government for sometime. The matter has been carefully considered and the president is pleased to decide that in respect of candidates working in public sector under takings, universities, semi government institutions or autonomous bodies, who are appointed as direct recruits on selection through a properly constituted agency including departmental authorities makeing recruitment directly, their initial pay may be fixed at a stage in the scale of pay attached to the post so that the pay and DA as admissible in the Government will protect the pay + DA already being drawn by them in their parent organisations. In the event of such a stage not being available in the post to which they have been recruited, their pay may be fixed at a stage just below in the scale of the post to which they have been recruited, so as to ensure a minimum loss to the candidates. The pay fixed under this formulation will not exceed the maximum of the scale of the post to which they have been recruited. The pay fixation is to be made by the employing Ministries/Departments after verification of all the relevant documents to be produced by the candidates who were employed in such organisations.
3. In so far as persons serving in the Indian Audit and Accounte Department are concerned, these orders are issued with the concurrence of the comptroller and Auditor General of India.
4. These orders take effect from the first of the month in which this O.M. is issued.
Under secretary to the Government Of India.
Illustration – I
An officer in a public sector undertaking in the scale of Rs.2450-100-2750 with a basic pay of Rs.2550/- and DA of Rs.1016.55 to be appointed in Government in the scale of pay of Rs.3000-100-3600-125-4500:
Basic Pay in P.S.U – Rs.2550.00
DA – Rs.1016. 55
Ad-hoc Relief – Rs. 840.00
– Rs.4406.55
Pay in the government will be fixed as under:
Basic Pay – Rs.3000 Rs.3500 Rs.3625
DA 23% – Rs. 690 Rs. 805 Rs. 805
– Rs.3690 Rs.4305 Rs.4430
So pay will be fixed at Rs.3,500/- on his appointment in central government.
Illustration II
Another officer in a public sector undertaking in the Scale of Rs.3000-100-3700 with a basic pay of Rs.3,100/- and DA of Rs.1,016.55 to be appointment in the govt in the scale of Rs.4100-125-4850-150-5300:
Basic Pay in P.S.U – Rs.3100.00
DA – Rs.1016. 55
Ad-hoc Relief – Rs.1080.00
total – Rs.5196.55
Pay in the Government will be fixed as under:
Basic Pay – Rs.4100.00 Rs.4350.00 Rs.4475.00
DA 17% – Rs. 697.00 Rs. 739.50 Rs. 760.75
Ad-hoc – Rs.4797.00 Rs.5089.50 Rs.5235.75
So Pay will be fixed at Rs.4350/- on appointment in Government