Incentive for promoting small family norms among Central Government employees – applicability of the instructions issued by the Ministry of Finance to the officers of the All India Services
No.29018/11/2000 – AIS(II)
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, P.G & Pensions
(Department of Personnel & Training)
New Delhi, 26th September 2000
1.Chief Secretaries of all the State Governments and Union Territories
2.All Ministries/Departments of the Govt. of India
Subject: Incentive for promoting small family norms among Central Government employees – applicability of the instructions issued by the Ministry of Finance to the officers of the All India Services – Regarding.
I am directed to say that the Ministry of Finance, Department of Expenditure had issued instructions vide their OM No. 7(39)-E.III/79 dated 4th December, 1979 in regard to the grant of incentives to the Central Government employees for promoting the small family norms. It was subsequently clarified in consultation with the State Governments vide our letter No.11030/22/79- AIS(II) dated 17th February,’84 (copy enclosed) that the provisions contained in the Ministry of Finance’s OM dated 4.12.79 and the modifications made thereto from time to time would be equally applicable to the members of the All India Services.
II) Subsequent to the implementation of the recommendations of the Fifth Central Pay Commission, Ministry of Finance, Department of Expenditure have now issued revised instructions in this regard yide their OM No.6(39)/98-IC.II dated 6th July,’99. It has thereby been clarified that the special increment admissible in the form of Personal Pay to the Central Government employees who had undergone sterilisation prior to first January,’96 and were drawing pay in the pre-revised pay scales would be revised so as to be equated to the last rete of increment applicable to them in the revised pay scales. The OM also contains some related clarifications, whose copy is enclosed.
III) In view of the decision communicated vide our letter dated 17th February ,’84 referred to above) the revised provisions made in this regard vide the Ministry of Finance’s OM dated 6th July,’99 would accordingly be equally applicable in the cases of the members of the All India Services irrespective of whether they are serving. in the State Governments or are in the Central Government Subsequent instructions issued by the Ministry of Finance from time to time in this regard will also apply to them.
IV) It is requested that this may be brought to the notice of all concerned Cases occurring on this account may also please be examined accordingly.
Yours faithfully
(Y.P. Dhingra)
Under Secretary to the Govt.of India