Freezing of Dearness Allowance to Employees of CPSEs drawing pay as per 2017, 2007, 1997, 1992 & 1987 IDA pay revision guidelines at current rates till 30 June, 2021
No. W-02/0039/2017-DPE(WC)- GL-XVI/20
Government of India
Ministry of Heavy Industries & Public Enterprises
Department of Public Enterprises
Public Enterprise Bhawan
Block No. 14, CGO Complex,
Lodhi Road, New Delhi-110003
Dated, the 19th Nevember, 2020
Subject:- Freezing of Dearness Allowance to Employees of Central Public Sector Enterprises (CPSEs) drawing pay as per 2017, 2007, 1997, 1992 & 1987 IDA pay revision guidelines at current rates till 30 June, 2021-reg
The undersigned is directed to say that in view of the crisis arising out of COVID-19, it has been decided that additional installments of Dearness Allowance payable to Employees of Central Public Sector Enterprises (CPSEs) drawing pay as per 2017, 2007, 1997, 1992 & 1987 IDA pay revision guidelines, due from 01.10.2020 shall not be paid. The additional installments of Dearness Allowances due from 01.01.2021 & 01.04.2021, shall also not be paid. However, Dearness Allowance at current rates (w.e.f. 01.07.2020) will continue to be paid.
2. As and when the decision to release the future installment of Dearness Allowance due from 01.07.2021 is taken by the Government, the rates of Dearness Allowance as effective from 01.10.2020, 01.01.2021 & 01.04.2021 will be restored prospectively and will be subsumed in the cumulative revised rate effective from 01.07.2021. No arrears for the period from 01.10.2020 till 30.06.2021 shall be paid.
3. The above guidelines shall be applicable in case of Executives and Non-Unionised Supervisors of CPSEs drawing 2017, 2007, 1997, 1992 & 1987 IDA pay scales. The DA rates in case of CPSE employees drawing CDA pay scales has already been frozen vide DPE’s OM No. W-02/0038/2017-DPE(WC)-GL-IX/20 dated 28.04.2020 in line with the Department of Expenditure’s OM No. 1/1/2020- E.1(B) dated 23.04.2020 in this regard.
4. All administrative Ministries/Departments of Government of India are requested to bring the foregoing to the notice of the CPSEs under their administrative control for necessary action at their end.
5. This issues with the approval of the Minister (HI&PE). (E24
(P K Saha)