Adherence to timelines for Scrutiny of Applications for Validation of Joint Option /Joint Option
The Employees’ Provident Fund Organization (EPFO) has issued a circular emphasizing the importance of adhering to timelines for the scrutiny of applications related to the validation of Joint Option / Joint Option. The circular refers to the earlier circular dated 23.04.2023, which outlined the scrutiny process for these applications.
According to the circular, applications in which all necessary information has been provided and approved by the employer will undergo a completeness check. If the submitted records and wage details align with the field office’s information, the dues will be calculated, and a demand letter will be issued to the employer.
No. Pension/PoHW/PartFile-101123/Scrutiny (2-103310)/1375
Date: 02.06.2023
All Addl. CPFCs, Zonal Offices
All RPFCs / OlCs, Regional Offices
Sub:- Adherence to timelines for Scrutiny of Applications for Validation of Joint Option /Joint Option- reg.
Please refer to the subject cited above.
In this regard, attention is invited to the circular dated 23.04.2023 for scrutiny of Applications for Validation / Joint Options. Vide the said circular it was directed that Applications for Validation / Joint Options in which all information is provided and have been vetted and approved by the employer will be examined for completeness for provided records and in case the records and wage details submitted by the employer match with the field office details, the dues will be calculated and demand letter will be issued to the employer.
2. Further, it was also directed that if the Applications for Validation / Joint Options are not approved by the employer or complete information is not provided in the Applications for Validation / Joint Options but approved by the employer, an opportunity will be given to the employer under intimation to the employee/pensioner for providing any additional proof or evidence or correction of any mistake/errors (including those made by the employees/pensioners).
3. Therefore, the expeditious disposal of the Applications for Validation of Joint Options/Joint Options from pensioners/ members being submitted by employers and forwarded to Field Offices in the same time as it exists for other claims becomes of utmost importance. However, during regular reviews through VC it has been observed that Demand Letter / Communication to employer has not been issued promptly for cases said to have been scrutinized.
4. Hence, it is reiterated that each Applications for Validation of Joint Option/Joint Option shall be scrutinized expeditiously and it shall be ensured that Demand Letter to Employer / Communication to Employer is issued for providing any additional proof or evidence or correct any mistakes/ errors (including made by employers/ pensioners) in respect of each Application for Validation of Joint Option/Joint Option within 20 days of receipt of the application in the login of the Dealing Assistant.
5. Further, all Zonal Offices are directed to monitor and ensure the scrutiny of applications within timeline so that Demand Letter to Employer / Communication Letter to Employer for providing any additional proof or evidence or correct any mistakes/ errors is issued without any delay.
[This issues with the approval of ACC-HQ (Pension).]
Yours faithfully,
(Aprajita Jaggi)
Regional P.F. Commissioner-I (Pension)