Procedure for empanelment of Hospitals and Diagnostic Centres under ECHS – Revision of PBG rates for MoA with Empanelled Hospitals
Government of India
Ministry of Defence
D/o Ex-Servicemen Welfare
Room No. 221, B-Wing, Sena Bhawan,
New Delhi, Dated 16 June, 2021
The Chief of Army Staff
The Chief of Navy Staff
The Chief of Air Staff
Subject:- Procedure for empanelment of Hospitals and Diagnostic Centres under ECHS – Revision of PBG rates for MoA with Empanelled Hospitals – reg.
With reference CO, ECHS Note No. B/49771/AG/ECHS/Emp/Gen dated 02.11.2020 and in Supersession of Govt. of India, Ministry of Defence, Department of Ex-Servicemen Welfare Note of even number dated 17.08.2020, I am directed to convey the sanction of the Competent Authority to amend para 35 of the MoA between ECHS and Private Hospitals, recommended for empanelment with ECHS with revised Performance Bank Guarantee (PBG) rates, which is as follows:
a) CGHS covered cities/ area, the PBG rates would be the same as in the CGHS.
b) Non-CGHS covered cities/ area/ other cities /Nepal, the following graded PBG system would be followed:
(i) Hospitals – 02 Lakhs
(ii) Eye /Dental / Physio Centers, Diagnostic / Imaging Labs — 0.5 Lakhs
(PBG for Charitable Hospitals/ Organizations would be 50% of above amount)
2. This issues with the approval of Hon’ble RM after concurrence of MoD(Fin / Pen) vide their ID No. 32(16)/2019/Fin/Pen dated 11.03.2021.
Yours faithfully,
(Dr. P P Sharma)
Tel/Fax: 2301 5772