Admissibility for reimbursement for travel within the city.
Government of India
Ministry of Finance
Department of Expenditure
E.IV Branch
New Delhi 14th October, 2008
Subject;- Admissibility for reimbursement for travel within the city.
- The undersigned is directed to refer para 3 of Annexure to this Deptt OM of even no dated 23/9/2008 regarding Travelling Allowance Rules – implementation of the Sixth Central Pay Commission
- It is clarified that the present provision of Government of India order 7 below of SR-46 reimbursement of Taxi/Auto Charges from Residence to Railway station/Air port, etc, and back headquarter station as well as for the Railway station/Airport etc , to the place of stay and back at the station of tour will continue to be applicable in addition to reimbursement of taxi/ travel charges within the city(refer para 3 of Annexure to this Deptt OM of even no dated 23/9/2008.
- In so far as the persons serving in the Indian Audit & Accounts Department are concerned, these orders issue in consultation with the Comptroller & Auditor General of India.
Under secretary to the Govt. of India.