Fixation of pay of ex-employees of the Baluchistan Administration on appointment to various posts under the Government of India
Government of India
Ministry of Finance
New Delhi, the 2nd December, 1952
Subject: Fixation of pay of ex-employees of the Baluchistan Administration on appointment to various posts under the Government of India.
The Undersigned is directed to invite a reference to this Ministry’s Memorandum No.F.14(1) – Est.III/51, dated the 25th April 1951, on the subject indicated above, according to which, when the pay of an ex-baluchistan employee has been fixed in accordance with the provisions of Central Civil services (Revision of Pay) Rules, 1947, in the prescribed scale in respect of the post held by him in Baluchistan, his pay in the post to which he is appointed in India should be re-fixed under this ,Ministry’s Memorandum No.15(4) – Est. III/49 dated the 9th May, 1950. In this connection is question has been raised as to whether the existing or prescribed scale of pay attached to the Baluchistan post should be taken into account for determining its comparability with that attached to the post in India. The formulae contained in this Ministry’s Memorandum No.F.15(4) – Est.III/49, dated the 9th May, 1950 for determining the comparability of posts in India and Pakistan were framed taking into account the existing scales and duties attached to the posts in Baluchistan notwithstanding the revised scales that might be prescribed under the central civil services (Revision of Pay) Rules, 1947. In the circumstances the undersigned is to say that it has, after careful consideration, been prescribed for the posts in Baluchistan, the existing basis for determining comparability should not be altered. The following example will illustrate the position:-
The post of senior assistant in Baluchistan carrying as existing scale of Rs.125-10-175 has been treated as comparable to the post of an Upper Division Clerk in the scale of Rs.80-220 vide item 2(c) in the schedule appended to this Ministry’s Memorandum No.15(4) –Est.III/49, dated the 9th May, 1950. This scale prescribed under the Central civil Service (Revision of Pay) Rules, 1947, for the post of senior assistant in Baluchistan is Rs.160-10-250. In accordance with the decision referred to in this Memorandum the post of Senior Assistant, even in spite of the face that a scale of Rs.160-10-250 has been prescribed for it will still be treated as comparable to the post of upper Division clerk in the scale of Rs.80-220.
2. In so far as Government Servants serving in the India audit and Accounts Department are concerned, these Orders are issued after consultation with the comptroller & Auditor General.
Assistant Secretary to the Government of India.