Fixation of pay of ex-employees of the Governments in Pakistan who having completed service or age entitling them to a retiring or a superannuation pension under the normal rules were employed on migration under the Government of India
Government of India
Ministry of Finance
(Department Of expenditure)
Subject: Fixation of pay of ex-employees of the Governments in Pakistan who having completed service or age entitling them to a retiring or a superannuation pension under the normal rules were employed on migration under the Government of India.
The undersigned is directed to refer to the ministry of Finance Office Memorandum No.8(92)-Est.III/58 dated the 24th July 1959 regarding the revised form of undertaking to be obtained from the displaced Government servants on their appointment under the Government of India. It is presumed that the under –taking in the revised form has been obtained by the administrative Ministries, Heads of offices etc from the persons concerned.
The Ministries and Heads of offices are however, requested that they should furnish to the audit office concerned within a period of two months from the date of issue of these orders a certificate to the effect that all the displaced government Servants (including Gazetted Officers, if any) serving under them have given the required undertaking. Where the displaced Government servant is himself the head of office, the undertaking will be obtained and the certificate furnished by the next higher administrative authority.
(R. Subrahamanian)
Under secretary to the Govt. of India