Fixation of pay of persons transferred to the Dominion of India or the Dominion of Pakistan after the 16th August 1947
No.F.10 (27)-Est.(Spl)/48
Government of India.
Ministry of Finance.
New Delhi, the 28th September, 1948
Subject:- Fixation of pay of persons transferred to the Dominion of India or the Dominion of Pakistan after the 16th August 1947.
The undersigned is directed to invite a reference to para 2 of this Ministry’s O.M.No.F.10(27)-Est.(Spl)/48, dated the 27th March, 1948 in which it was decided inter alia that the pay of a Government servant who provisionally opted for service under Pakistan Government and was transferred to the Dominion of India after the 16th August 1947 due to change in option should be fixed under the Central Civil Service (Revision of Pay) Rules, 1947 as if he was in the employment of the Dominion of India on the 16th August 1947 but that no adjustments should be made in respect of pay or dearness allowance drawn by him prior to the transfer. The Government of India have now reconsidered the position and it has been decided that such a Government servant should be granted arrears of pay and dearness allowance for the period from the 1st January 1947 to the 14th August 1947 if otherwise eligible. If arrears, however, will be granted for the period from the 15th August 1947 up to the date he was in the service of the Pakistan Government.
2.It has also been decided that a Government servant who exercised provisional option for the rest of India but changed it finally for Pakistan after the 15th August 1947 should not be granted any arrears for pay and dearness allowance under the orders issued as a result of the recommendations of the Central Pay Commission even though he may have elected the prescribed scales while in the service of the Dominion of India.
3.If any overpayments have been made under the existing orders or under a misapprehension of the existing position, the recovery of the amounts overdrawn will be waived.
(B.L. Batraj)
Deputy Secretary to the Government of India.