Fixation of pay on promotion after 1.1.1973 from the revised junior Class I to the senior Class I scale of pay in. certain organised Class I Services – Government’s decisions on recommendations of the Third Central Pay Commission regarding application of Concordance Table etc
Ministry of Finance
Department of Expenditure
(Implementation Cell)
New Delhi, the 14th November,1975
23rd, Kartika, 1897 (Saka).
OFFICE Memorandum
Subject:- Fixation of pay on promotion after 1.1.1973 from the revised junior Class I to the senior Class I scale of pay in. certain organised Class I Services – Government’s decisions on recommendations of the Third Central Pay Commission regarding application of Concordance Table etc.
The undersigned is directed to refer to the recommendations of the Third Central Fay Commission contained in paragraphs 28 and 29 of Chapter 8 and paragraph 10 of Chapter 67 of its Report relating to fixation of pay on promotion after 1.1.1973 from the revised junior to the revised senior scale in certain types of organised Central Class I Services on the basis of a Concordance Table. In paragraph 13 of Chapter 67 of the Report the Commission has also referred to some anomalies which might occur in the application of the pay fixation formula suggested by it and has left it to Government to rectify such anomalies by issuing special orders, and to fix the pay of any particular person or group of persons at a stage which is found just and proper. These recommendations were accepted by the Government broadly as brought .out in paragraph III of the Ministry of Finance Resolution No.F.11/35/74-IC dated 1.5.1974 and it item 18 of the Annexure thereto.
A concordance table on the basis of the revised junior scale (Rs.700-40-900-EB-40-1100-50-1300 and the revised senior scale (Rs.1100-(6th year or under )-50-1600) has been framed which is at Annexure I to this O.M. The Services which qualify according to the criteria laid down by the Pay commission for the application of the Concordance Table, including those under the Ministries of Railways and Defence (for the Civilian Services under that Ministry) which are governed by the orders issued by those Ministries are indicated in Annexure II. The intention of the Commission is to apply a uniform Concordance Table to various types of Services specified in that -Annexure, viz., those in which concordance tables were applicable in the past, those in which such tables were not applicable, as well as those which had a pre-revised integrated junior and senior scale. It has, however, been found that uniform application of concordance table to a variety of Services mentioned above would lead to a serious anomaly of officers promoted from the revised junior to the revised senior scale after 1.1.1973 getting their pay fixed in a large number of cases at much higher stages than the pay of officers promoted to the pre-revised senior scale prior to 1.1.1973 whose pay was fixed in the revised senior scale on that date according to the pay fixation .formula recommended by the Pay Commission. In order that officers promoted earlier should not get lesser pay than the officers promoted later, it would became necessary to step up the pay of the former by several increments at a large number of stages to bring it at par with that of the latter. Such a course of action would have repercussions on many Services which are net included in Annexure II for application of Concordance Table as also on the Defence Services in which Transitional Pay Tables based upon fixation of pay of officers of various ranks on 1.1.73 have been applied. This matter has been considered in consultation with the cadre controlling authorities of the important Services concerned. Keeping in view the requirement of uniform treatment to the specified Central Services in this regard while minimizing, the anomalies and avoiding repercussions pointed out above, it has been found necessary “to modify, as a transitional measure, the operation of the Concordance Table given in Annexure I by restricting the benefit on promotion taking place after 1.1.1973 from the revised junior to the revised senior scale posts in the Services specified in Annexure II, and also to modify for this purpose the existing rules for regulating the grant of increment after such promotion or on stepping up of pay ( in.cases where the pay of an officer promoted earlier is stepped ‘ up to bring it at par with that of an officer promoted later)* The president is accordingly pleased to decide in respect of Services specified in Part I of Annexure II as follows:-
I. fixation of pay on promotion after 1.1.1973 from the revised junior to the revised senior scale within the cadre of a specified Service and the stepping up of pay of officers therein,where necessary:
(1) The application of the Concordance Table as in Annexure I shall be modified for fixation of pay on promotion after 1.1,1973 from the revised junior scale (Rs.700-40-900-EB-40-1100-50-1300) to the revised senior scale (Rs.llOO (6th year or under)-50-1600) in respect of the Services mentioned in Part I of Annexure II to the extent indicated below:
Services which had separate junior and senior scaled before 1.1.1973:
(a)(i): According to the provisions of the earlier rules for services in which Concordance Tables were applicable in the past, a special pay of Rs.150/-was allowed in addition to the pay admissible in tie junior scale to officers recruited directly to the junior scale of Class I, on being placed in senior charges before reaching the 5th.stage of their Service and they were allowed the minimum of the senior scale at the and 6th stages. The first increment in the senior scale was allowed on completing the 6th stage. In order that very junior officers may not get unduly high benefit if they are allowed the minimum of the senior scale viz., Rs.1100 on their being placed in senior charges before the 5th stage, the directly recruited officers appointed to a Service on or after 1.1.1973, on their promotion to senior charges up to the 4th stage shall be allowed a special pay of Rs.l50/- over their pay in the revised junior scale and shall be given the minimum of the senior scale at the 5th and 6th stages. Those promoted at the 5th and 6th stages shall also be allowed the minimum of the senior scale.
(ii): Directly recruited officers appointed to a Service prior to 1.1.1973. who have not completed four years of Service in the. pre-revised junior scale or both in the pr e-revised and revised junior scales shall also, on their promotion to senior charges after 1.1.1973, be allowed only a special pay of Rs.l50/- over their pay in the revised junior scale till they have completed four years of service, and shall be allowed the minimum of the senior scale in the 5th and 6th years. Officers who have completed four years of service in the pre-revised or both the pre-mrevised and revised junior scales but have not completed six years of service therein shall also on their promotion to the senior scales after. 1.1.1973,be placed at the minimum of the senior scale.
(b)(i): The pay of directly recruited officers appointed to a Service on or after 1.1.1973 who have completed the sixth or higher stage in the revised junior scale, as also of those directly recruited officers who have completed six years or more of service in the pre-revised or both the pre-revised and revised junior scales shall on, their promotion after 1.1.1973 be fixed according to the Concordance Table (Annexure I) in relation to the stage of their pay in the revised junior scale, subject, except where the pay is fixed at the minimum of the senior scale, to the benefit on promotion not exceeding Rs.200/- i.e., their pay shall be fixed at the minimum of the senior scales, or at the same or at the next lower stage in that scale (if there is no corresponding stage) after allowing a benefit of Rs.200/- on the pay in the revised junior scale. If by fixation of pay in this manner, the pay of a directly recruited officer • in a Cadre becomes higher than the pay of another directly recruited officer in the same Cadre promoted prior to him, whether before or on or after 1.1.1973* the pay of the officer promoted earlier shall be stepped up subject to the fulfilment of the conditions specified in sub-paragraph (d) below, to bring it at par with that of the officer promoted later.
(ii): The pay of departmental promotees item Class II who are appointed, first to the junior scale of Cl as.? I and are thereafter promoted to the senior scale may be fixed on promotion to the senior scale after 1.1.1973 in accordance with the stage of their pay in the revised junior scale. If on the date of their promotion to the senior scale posts, their pay in the revised junior scale comes to the fourth or earlier stage they shall be allowed only a special pay of Rs.l50/- on their junior scale pay. The minimum of the senior scale shall be allowed on completing the fourth stage. Those whose pay comes to the fifth or .sixth stage of the revised junior scale shall be allowed the minimum of the senior scale. The pay on promotion to the senior scale or those whose pay is at the seventh or higher stage in the revised junior scale shall be fixed according to the concordance table (Annexure I) subject to the increase in pay on promotion not exceeding us.200/- i.e. at the same or next lower stage (if there is no corresponding stage) after allowing .a benefit of Bs.200/- on the pay in the revised junior scale. The pay of departmental promotees who are promoted directly from Class II to the senior scale of Class I shall be fixed first in the revised junior scale notionally and thereafter in the senior scale post on the same lines as mentioned above. If the pay of a promotee officer promoted to the senior scale later becomes higher to the pay of another promotee officer of the same cadre promoted to that scale earlier (whether before or on or after 1.1.73) the pay of the latter shall be stepped up, subject to.(the fulfilment of the conditions mentioned in sub- paragraph(d) below to bring it at par with that of the former.
Services which had an integrated junior and senior scale prior to 1.1.1973.
(c) The principles relating to fixation of pay of officers promoted from the junior to the senior scale, application of concordance table subject to a ceiling of Rs.200/- on the benefit on promotion after the sixth stage, (or after six years in the Service for those appointed prior to 1.1.1973) stepping up of the pay of an officer promoted earlier if it becomes lower than that of the officer of the same category, viz. direct recruit or departmental promotee, belonging to the same cadre who is promoted later, and determination of pay of departmental promotee officers promoted from Class II to Class I, as outlined in sub-paragraphs (a) and (b) above shall apply also to fixation of pay on promotion from the junior to the senior scale after 1.1.1973 in Services which had an integrated junior and senior scale prior to 1.1.1973 (as shown in Part I C and D of Annexure II). However, in Services mentioned in Part I C of Annexure II like the IA&AS, IDAS, etc., the pro-revised integrated scale provided an increase of Rs.190/- on fixation of pay at Rs.700/- after crossing the efficiency bar at the stage of Rs.5l0/- The Ministry of Finance also issued orders in January, 1971 and October, 1972 allowing two additional increments to departmental promotees in these Services except those whose pay had been fixed at the stage of Rs.510/- or below or who had reaped a benefit of increase in pay of Rs.120/- or more on fixation of their pay at the stage of Rs.700/- in the integrated scale. The concordance table cannot be applied without providing double benefit, to cases wherein a benefit of Rs.120/- or more has already been derived on fixation of pay at the stage of Rs.700/-in the pre-revised integrated scale, it has, therefore, been decided that where an officer of a category in a cadre viz. direct recruit or promotee, has derived a benefit of Rs.120/- or more on fixation of his pay at the stage of Rs.700/- in the pre-revised integrated scale, his pay on promotion to the revised senior scale after 1.1.1973 shall be fixed under F.R.22(a)(i), i.e. at a stage in the revised senior scale next above his pay in the revised junior scale.
Condition for stepping up of nay of officer’s promoted earlier
(d) The stepping up of the pay of an officer promoted earlier (whether before or on or after 1.1,1973) as envisaged in sub-paragraphs (b)(i), (b)(ii) and (c) above will be allowed only on one occasion at his option. However, no stepping up shall be allowed to an officer promoted earlier, who on the date of his promotion to the senior scale was drawing lesser • pay in the junior scale or Class II scale (if promotions to the senior Class I scale in any Service were made direct from Class II) as the case may be, then the officer of the same category viz., direct recruit or promotee in t*he same cadre promoted later and whose pay gets fixed at a higher stage in the senior scale.
Thus, the direct recruits appointed to a Service on or after I.I.1973, as well as departmental promotees will, on their promotion to senior scale charges after 1.1.1973? be allowed up to the fourth stage of their pay in the revised junior scale a special pay of Rs.150/- on their pay in the latter scale and will be allowed, at the fifth and sixth stages, the minimum of the senior scale as those who are promoted at those stages. Similarly, direct recruits appointed to a Service prior to 1.1.1973 will also be allowed a special pay of Rs.150/- on their pay in the revised junior scale on their promotion after 1.1.1973 to senior scale charges before completing four years of their service and will be allowed the minimum of the senior scale in the 5th and 6th. years as those promoted in those years. The pay of officers (whether direct-recruits appointed before or on or after 1.1.73 or departmental promotees) who are promoted to the senior scale from the seventh stage in the revised junior scale or from the 7th year of service, as the case may be, will be fixed according to the Concordance Table in relation to the stage of their pay in the revised junior scale, subject to the benefit on fixation of pay not exceeding Rs.200/-, as shown in Annexure III for all the Services specified in Part I of -Annexure II.
Regulation of date of increment after promotion/stepping UP-of, pay:
The normal rule in this regard on the Civil Side is to allow increment in the higher scale on completion of the qualifying service, say 12 months, from the date of promotion to that scale. However, in Services in which concordance tables were applicable in the past, the date of increment in the senior scale was relaxed to the date of increment of the officers in the junior scale irrespective of the date of their promotion to the senior scale. Continuance of the latter- rule would necessitate advancing the date of increment of officers promoted earlier whose increment falls due on a later date than the date of increment of those promoted later and whose pay is fixed at the same stage. In order to avoid this contingency as also repercussions on other Services, it has been decided to modify this rule by laying down that the date of increment in the senior scale of officers belonging to the specified Services included in Part I of .Annexure II who are promoted after 1.1,1973 and whose pay is fixed according to the provisions of sub para I above, will be reckoned uniformly from the date of their promotion in the following manners:-
(i) Direct recruits appointed to a Service on or after 1.1.1973:
Such of these direct recruits who are promoted before reaching the sixth stage in the revised junior scale shall be allowed their first increment in the senior scale on the anniversary of the date of their promotion falling after their completing, but for their promotion to the senior scale posts, the sixth stage in the revised junior scale. Those of then who are promoted at the sixth or later stages in the revised junior scale shall be allowed their increment in the senior scale on the anniversary of the date of their promotion.
(II) Direct recruits appointed to a Service before 1.1973:
The-first increment in the senior scale to such of those direct recruits who are promoted after 1.1.73 to the senior scale posts befor Entering the 6th year of service in the pre-revised junior (or integrated) scale or both the pre-
revised junior (or integrated) and revised junior scales, shall be given on the anniversary of the date of their/promotion falling after their completing the 6th year of service. Those of than who are promoted in the 6th or later years of service shall be allowed their first increment in the senior scale on the anniversary of the date of their promotion,
(III)Departmental promotees:
As indicated in sub-paragraph (l)(b)(ii) the pay of Class II officers who arc appointed to any of the specified Class I Services will be fixed either actually or notionally in the revised junior scale, before it is fixed in the senior scale on promotion thereto. The departmental promotees shall, therefore, be allowed their first increment in the senior scale on the anniversary of the date of their promotion falling after their completing, but for their promotion to the senior scale posts, the sixth stage in the revised junior scale. Those promoted at the sixth or later stages in the revised junior scale shall be given their increment on the anniversary of the date of their promotion.
(IV) Officers whose pay is stepped up:
In case the pay of any officer is stepped up under the provisions of sub-paragraphs (l)(b) or (c) above, the date of increment of such officer shall also be altered to the date of stepping up of his pay and he shall be allowed the first increment after the stepping up on the anniversary thereof. The procedure for stepping up of pay under the central Civil Services (Revised Pay) Rules, 1973 as laid down in the Ministry of Finance OM Ifo,67/11/1/73/Imp. dated 6th May,1975 shall apply mutatis mutandis to the stepping up of pay and alteration of the date of increment under this provision,
(V) The provisions regarding grant of increment contained in sub- paragraphs (i) to (iv) above shall also be subject to the conditions prescribed in F.R.26 on which service counts for increments in a time scale,
(VI)Where the increment according to the provisions of sub-paragraphs (1) to (iv) above falls due on a date other than the first date of a month, it shall be advanced to the first date of that month, according to the instructions contained in Ministry of Finance OM No.F.l(22)-E.III(A)/73, dated 7.1.1974 read with Ministry of Finance OM of same number dated 27.5.1974 on this subject.
These orders shall take effect from 1.1.1973 and shall remain in force for a period of five years thereafter.
In so far as the Services mentioned in Parts II and III of Annexure II are concerned, separate orders on this subject will be issued by the Ministries of Railways and Defence respectively.
In so far as persons serving in the Indian Audit & Accounts Department are concerned, these orders issue after consultation with the Comptroller- and Auditor General of India.
Hindi version of the OM will follow shortly.
(V.S. Rajagopalan)
Deputy Secretary to the Govt, of India,
Concordance Table according to the revised junior and senior scales of pay referred to in para 2 of O.M.No.F.12/21/74-IC, dated 14.11.1975.
Stage |
Pay in junior scale |
Pay in senior scale |
1st |
700 |
1100 |
2nd |
740 |
1100 |
3rd |
780 |
1100 |
4th |
820 |
1100 |
5th |
860 |
1100 |
6th |
900 |
1100 |
Efficiency Bar |
7th |
940 |
1150 |
8th |
980 |
1200 |
9th |
1020 |
1250 |
10th |
1060 |
1300 |
11th |
1100 |
1350 |
12th |
1150 |
1400 |
13th |
1200 |
1450 |
14th |
1250 |
1500 |
15th |
1300 |
1550 |
16th |
1300 |
1600 |
Statement showing the central Civil Service/posts, Class I to which the instructions contained in OM No.F. 12/21/74-IC,dated l4.11.1975 will be applicable on promotion from the Junior Class I scale to senior Class I scale.
Part – I
A. Services/Posts having separate junior and senior scales of pay prior to 1.1.1973 in which concrodance tables were applicable under rule 13-A OF CCS (RP) Rules,1960 or under separate order before 1.1.1973.
- Indian Meteorological Services.
- Posts of Geologists (junior and senior) in Geological Survey of India.
- Telegraph Engineering Service.
- Posts of Assistant Coal Supdts. (Grades I and II) in the Goal Controller’s organization,
- Posts of Assistant Manager and Assistant General Manage! in Telecom Factories Organization.
B.Services having separate junior and senior scales prior to 1.1.1973. in which Concordance Tables were not applicable before 1.1.1973.
- Central Information Service
- Central Engineering Service
- Central Electrical Engineering Service
- Central Engineering Service (Roads)
- Central Power Engineering Service
- Central Water Engineering Service
- Indian Inspection Service
- Indian Supply Service
- Indian Economic Service
- Indian Statistical Service.
C. Service which carried an integrated scale of Rs.400-400- 450-30-510-EB-700-40-1100-50/2-1250 prior to 1.1.1973in which Concordance Tables were not applicable before 1.1.73
- Indian Audit and Accounts Service
- Indian Defence Accounts Service
3.Indian Income Tax Service
4.Indian Customs and Central Excise Service
5.Indian Postal Service
D. Services which carried in integrated scale of Es.450-30-660-EB-40-ll00-50-1250 prior to 1.1.1973 in which Concordance table was not applicable before 1.1.1973.
Posts of General_Duty officers in Central—Hsalth Service.
Services having separate junior and senior scales prior to 1.1.1973 in which Concordance Tables were applicable under separate orders before 1.1.1973.
- Indian–Railway Accounts Service
- Indian Railway – Traffic Service
- Indian Railway Service of Engineers
4.Indian Railway Service of Electrical Engineers
- Indian Railway Service of Mechanical Engineers
- Indian Railway Service of Signal Engineers
- Indian Railway Stores Service
A. Service having separate junior and senior scales prior to 1.1.1973 in which Concordance Tables were applicable under separate orders before 1.1.1973
- Indian Ordnance Factories Service (Technical)
- Indian Ordnance Factories Service (Non-Technical)
- Military Engineering Service
- Defence Science Service.
B. Service which carried an integrated pay scale of Rs.^OO-1+50-30-510-EB-700-iK)-1100-50/2-1250 prior to 1.1.1973 in which Concordance Table was not applicable before 1.1.1973.
Military Lands & Cantonment Service.
Statement showing fixation of pay of officers of the Services specified in Part I -Annexure II on their promotion from the seventh stage of the revised junior scale to the revised senior scale after 1.1.1973
Stage |
Pay in the revised junior Scale |
Pay admissible on promotion to the senior scale after 1.1.1973
1 |
2 |
3 |
940 |
1100 |
8th |
980 |
1150 |
9th |
1020 |
1200 |
10th |
1060 |
1250 |
11th |
1100 |
1300 |
12th |
1150 |
1350 |
13th |
1200 |
1400 |
14th |
1250 |
1450 |
15th |
1300 |
1500 |
*vide para 2 I(2) of O.M. No.F.12/21/74-IC, dated 14.11.1975