Fixation of pay under the Central Civil Services (Revision of Pay) Rules, 1947
No.F.10 (21)-Est.(Spl)/49
Government of India.
Ministry of Finance.
New Delhi, the 18th June, 1949
Subject:- Fixation of pay under the Central Civil Services (Revision of Pay) Rules, 1947,
A question has been raised as to whether Provincial Government servants who entered the service of the Central Government during the period from 1.1.47 to 15.8.47 can elect the prescribed scales of pay from the date of such entry under rule 6 of the Central Civil Services (Revision of Pay) Rules, 1947. The date of entry into service referred to in the said rule has to be taken as the date of entry in the service of the Central Government. Provisional Government servants who entered the service of the Central Government during the period from 1.1.47 to 15.8.47 are accordingly entitled to elect the prescribed scales of pay under the Central Civil Services (Revision of Pay) Rules, 1947, either from the date of such entry of the 16th August, 1947, at their option.
(B.L. Batraj)
Deputy Secretary to the Government of India.