Regulation of pay of officers of Central and State Services appointed as Under and Deputy Secretaries to the Government of India
Government of India
Ministry of Finance
New Delhi, the 4th September, 1957,
Subject: Regulation of pay of officers of Central and State Services appointed as Under and Deputy Secretaries to the Government of India.
The under signed is directed to refer to this Ministry’s Office Memorandum No.F.1(44)-Est.(Spi)/47 , dated the 28th June, 1948, as amended from time to time on the subject indicated above, and to say that in partial modification thereof, the President has been pleased to decide that the pay of the officers of different services deputed to the posts of Under Secretary and Deputy Secretary to the Government of India should be regulated as follows:-
Under Secretary |
Deputy Secretary |
a) Officers of the central services, Class I (other than CSS & General Central Services Class I) |
Basic pay in the service of origin from time to time plus a special pay of Rs.200 |
Basic pay in the service of origin from time to time plus a special pay of Rs.300/ – |
b) Officers of the Central Services, class II (Other than CSS & General Central Services Class II) |
Basic pay in the service of origin from time to time plus a special pay of Rs.200/- |
—– |
c) Officers of the State Services |
Basic pay in the service of origin from time to time plus a special pay of Rs.200/- |
Basic pay to the service of origin from time to time plus a of Rs. 300/- . |
Note: (l) Officers of the Central Services or State Services appointed as Under Secretary will have the option to draw either the pay fixed as shown in colum 2 above or to draw pay in the prescribed scale, viz .Rs. 800-50-1150, under the Fundamental Rules. The option once exercised will be final.
Note: (2) In the case of an officer of the Central Services,
Class I, referred to in item (a) above, the special pay should be so regulated tnat the total of pay plus special pay does not exceed the pay plus special pay that would be admissible in the same post to an officer of the Indian Administrative Service with corresponding seniority/length of service. In reckoning seniority/ length of service for this purpose, any period of past service in Class I including the service in the Emergency Cadre in Class I should be taken into account. Past service of any other kind should also be taken into account to the extent that credit is given for it in the parent service concerned for seniority.
Note :(3) Where, however, an officer subsequently becomes eligible
under the proviso to F.R.30(l) to a basic pay in his parent service at a rate higher than the pay (including special pay} of an officer of the Indian Administrative Service of corresponding seniority appointed to these posts, his services vill be placed ax the disposal of/£iis parent department as early as possible tut not later than six months from the date he becomes eligible for the higher basic pay the officer will be entitled to draw such higher basic pay without any special pay till the date of relief or the date of expeiry of six months from the date of his eligibility to higher basic pay, whichever is earlier.
2. The pay and special pay fixed in the manner indicated in paragraph 1 above will be subject to a maximum of; Rs-2000/- in the case of an officer appointed as Deputy Secretary from whichever service he may be drawn.
3 .These orders will have effect from the 1st April 1957-The following special provisions will apply in respect of officers who are holding posts of Under Secretary/Deputy Secretary from a date prior to the 1st April 1957? and who continue to hold those posts after that date;
(i) Such officers may have their pay refixed in accordance with the orders in paragraph 1 above with effect from the 1st April, 1957, if such refixation i.s favorable to them; for this purpose they will be exempted from the operation of the restriction introduction by note (2) under paragraph 1 above, but in their case the special pay of Rs.300 sanctioned for Deputy Secretaries will be admissible only to those whose basic pay in their parent service is not in a scale higher than Rs.1300-60-160 .
(ii) If such officers receive promotion to a higher scale in their parent department after appointment as Under Secretary/Deputy Secretary, for example, from the senior scale (Rs. 600-1150) to a junior administrative grade fora maximum period of six months within which steps will be taken to replace the officer’s services at the disposal of his parent department.
(iii) In the case of officers appointed to the poets of Under Secretary/Deputy Secretary from a date prior to the 1st April, 1957. (including those who relinquished the posts prior to this date) the fixation of whose pay by the audit authorities has been held up, pending issue of these orders, the pay should be refixed as in sub-paragraph (i) above the given effect to from the date of their appointment to the posts of Under Secretary/Deputy Secretary.
K.S. Ganapati