Holiday for Bakrid Festival on 6th October 2014
Holiday for Bakrid Festival on 6th October 2014 The Government of Tamilnadu had earlier notified 5th October 2014 as a public holiday for Bakrid through the GO dated 15.11.2013. However, the date has now been changed to 6th October 2014 following the letter from the Chief Kazi to the Government of Tamilnadu.
In his letter dated 26.09.2014, the Chief Kazi had stated that the Zil Hajj moon was not sighted on September 25 of 2014 (Thursday) and so Bakrid for this year will be celebrated on Monday 6th October 2014 instead of 5th October 2014. He requested the Government of Tamilnadu to announce 6th October 2014 as holiday for Bakrid festival.
After careful consideration, the Government of Tamilnadu announced 6th October 2014 as a Holiday for Bakrid. A new GO to this effect has been issued by the Government of Tamilnadu on 1st October 2014 under the Negotiable Instruments Act, 1881.The revised notification will also be published in The Gazette.
Bakrid (Id-ul-Zuha) is a festival of sacrifice and carries immense significance to Muslims all over the world. On the eve of this great festival, we wish all Muslims a very happy and prosperous Bakrid.