Holidays to be observed in Central Government offices during the year 2016 – CGDA
Office of the CGDA, Ulan Batar Road, Palam, Delhi Cantt-10
No. AN/III/3011/Holiday/2016
Dated 26.10.2015
Subject: Holidays to be observed in Central Government offices during the year 2016-reg.
A copy of Government of India, Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions, Department of Personnel and Training, New Delhi F. No. 12/7/2015-JCA-2 dated 11-6-2015 and dated 12.10.2015 on the subject mentioned above is enclosed for information, guidance and necessary action.
2 The instructions contained in. Para 2, 3.1 & 3.2 of circular dated 11.6.2015 may be adhered to strictly while deciding the Holidays in respect of offices located outside Delhi/ New Delhi. The list of Holidays shall be in consonance with the Notification of DOP&T and should not be deviated, as regards, offices located at Delhi/New Delhi, the Holidays and Restricted Holidays as notified in Annexure I & II respectively to the above mentioned OM dated 11-6-2015 will be observed.
3. While endorsing a copy of the Part II Office Order notifying Holidays and Restricted Holidays, it is requested that a copy of Part II Office Order may please be sent to this Hqrs Office separately.
(R K Gandhi)
Source: http://www.cgda.nic.in/
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GN PAndey says
The clerical staff were kept in darkness by the VIth CPC and we have to faced humiliation below those were to the clerical staff.This time we hoped that the VIIth CPC will be excellent for the most hard working and those are mirror of the country class but this time also the CPC has demoralized the most deserving class. Now, we pray honorable Chairman as well as govt. to keep the head high of country’s most workforce. So this time the clerical staff may be fixed at least more than the present. Jai Hind Jai Bharat